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English One Piece

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old One Piece

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anyone watch this? there's no thread about OP, anyway;

The new intro at anime make me almost died, saw Luffy fought with Akainu, Zoro with Fujitora and Sanji with Kizaru. Also, at Dressrosa I heard Sabo is still alive and join the competition made by Doflamingo.

p/s; I don't read manga, anime much better for me I think.

old Re: One Piece

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(Leave out the first and last four lines:)
user Vibhor has written
Every anime is friggin retarded.
No srsly,they have been running naruto 1999 and still haven't finished it.
It is full of fillers, bad humor and repeated jokes.
One piece is alot more funnier and feels a little less filler but it still is shit.
And don't get me started on DBZ.
It takes them 15 episodes to show a fight among two people.
And all they do is moan and groan in those 15 episodes.
Have you seen the original dragon ball uncensored?
Have you seen the nudity in that?
Well that program was made for kids.
I can only imagine what kind of things are made for mature audiences

user CoolRun has written
You guys need to watch A LOT of the lesser known anime. They're way better. Naruto is just a popular anime because it's a shounen (more on the fighting side) genre. I haven't even finished the first series due to the excessive fillers.

Didn't expect to find two posts, one following the other, that would describe my position better than I can do myself.

old Re: One Piece

Deleted User

One Piece is retarded and their new opening suck.
...But I still watch and like it.

Agreed with user VADemon at some point. I bet that only anime you watch is One Piece, you should watch other animes. (Besides of Bleach/Naruto). But One Piece is far away from being shit.

old Re: One Piece

User Off Offline

Watched the first 20 episodes, but put it on hold because of that annoying kid Usopp. Roronoa Zoro's pretty beast though.

old Re: One Piece

Moderator Off Offline

Never watched it and likely will never watch it in the future either.

It's hard to find some EPIC anime these days. I mean there's the "woah omg I like this so much" kind of anime which is not really that good if you look critically, then there's "something is hapenin-BOOOBS and then there's something hap-BOOOBS" and then there's those that aren't really well drawn, aren't really outstanding but the concept and story line are just amazing. Of course they're rare as f*** and some have pointless/filler episodes in them too.

The only animes I've watched that are similar OP are DBZ and D-Gray Man.

old Re: One Piece

Deleted User

user Rainoth has written
Never watched it and likely will never watch it in the future either.

user Rainoth has written
It's hard to find some EPIC anime these days.

That was funny.

There are no fillers in One Piece, there are (almost) no boobs. The bad thing about it is that it's filled with childish humour. One Piece is by far one of the best animes I've ever seen, and I've seen TONS of animes.

P.S. Drawing style also getting better as anime getting older.
edited 1×, last 19.02.14 05:50:22 pm

old Re: One Piece

User Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: what? one piece is all about boobs.
I couldn't like one piece, It feels endless, I liked it when I was 14 though. I like naruto as a story but they make it too long.
in the fighting genre Hunter x hunter 2011 is better, the first 90 episodes at least. But my favorite anime is Attack on Titans, It's just epic.

old Re: One Piece

Deleted User

@user Ahmad:
No, boobs doesn't appear in the middle of an epic battle. Don't lie.

old Re: One Piece

User Off Offline

The girls are wearing bras 24/7. unless u mean nude..

old Re: One Piece

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user Ahmad has written
The girls are wearing bras 24/7. unless u mean nude..

It is (but that was after 2 years PS), but when you see in the middle fierce battle, I bet you want to watch it more.. and yes, I only watch OP, because anime like Naruto way too sucks, too many flashback which will entire eps they only make for just flashback. It's annoying.

old Re: One Piece

Moderator Off Offline

Hmmm. A bit off topic as people speak about not just Won Peace but also about other anime too. So there's other topics about anime, you can revive them..

old Re: One Piece

User Off Offline

Actually I want talk only about OP on this thread and then, sadly some guy started to comparing it with other animes.

old Re: One Piece

User Off Offline

The quotes were used to describe the two, in my opinion, 'mainstream' anime. I don't like either of them (especially the drawing style of One Piece, but if I leave my comment to that, §1.2 will not like me).
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