
Actually the engine is free for non-commercial game (CryEngine 3). CryEngine 1 is good and match to the game, also playable for everyone even with low system, maybe. Sadly, CryEngine 1 SDK is not downloadable but I got CryENGINE C++ Mod SDK v1.4 for Far Cry. But somebody said in Crytek, CryEngine 2 SDK is included in Crysis 2, if you use this engine only with medium system can play Stranded III. Since you work for this game for long time ago using Unity and you want everybody to play Stranded III, I think you won't switch to CryEngine.

Like unity engine, but source engine best too. Hate source modified engine and unreal engine.
The Source Engine is pretty great (Despite it's many flaws) but why hate modified Source, and Unreal? I don't think a game/mod would be very interesting on a bare bones version of any engine.
Side comment! Personally, I think the best modified version of Source would be FakeFactory's Cinematic Mod version of the engine.

It is quite OT to discuss engines in this thread as the engine for Strandend III has already been chosen. It won't be switched.
I do agree with that though. I'd say Unity is a nice choice, though. I've worked with it before, I love it's level editor.
For Example

are you going to do things like the cloth system (or easy things like sprinting) as a mod?

also on a more general note I'd suggest you implement that pictures here in the forum have a fixed height so that the browser doesnt keep scrolling up whenever it finishes loading a picture since this behaviour is especially annoying in the dev blog thread.


edited 1×, last 28.01.14 11:07:53 pm
+ hard(-er) to recognize the word (but easier to find the logo among other games' logos, for example imagine when you're scrolling through Steam)
- I'm focusing too much on fire now, maybe it's intended, but it's definitely getting too much attention because of its brightness