This is so so disturbing...
Off Topic Salad fingersSalad fingers
15 replies 1
This is so so disturbing...
You can check his Newgrounds's profile here.
And as for the poster you can get a wallpaper from here and some other cool wallpappers.
i already change it almost 2 weeks ago, ultra lama
Anyway the movie sound crazy to me. How will someone want something rusty?
RisingXD has written
'lama', is that malay?
Anyway the movie sound crazy to me. How will someone want something rusty?
Anyway the movie sound crazy to me. How will someone want something rusty?
It's about an schizophrenic mutant in a post-apocalyptic world, of course it's going to be crazy. His obsession isn't limited to rust though, he seems to have a craving for all kinds of textures as is evident in later episodes. If you stick to it you've got horses stuffed in drawers like sausages to look forward to.
i'm going to be sick!