Off Topic EarthquakeEarthquake
15 replies 1
Marcell has written
because no should be do this here
I lost any IQ points I possibly had after reading this.
medeiros has written
I lost any IQ points I possibly had after reading this.
Marcell has written
because no should be do this here
I lost any IQ points I possibly had after reading this.
who cares? nobody..
not every people can speak English well, so shut da fuck up
Marcell has written
Calm your tits, if there was any earthquake it probably won't happen again in the next hundred years, plus there is zero chance of tsunamis in Hungary.
Marcell has written
because no should be do this here...
palomino has written
The guy is even more stupid than I thought.
Thanks, palomino. I am at 0 IQ atm.
Admin/mod comment
§4.5 - Stick to the point! No off-topic posts! palomino has written
Calm your tits, if there was any earthquake it probably won't happen again in the next hundred years, plus there is zero chance of tsunamis in Hungary.
Nobody said i think that there is chance to tsunamis...
probably this is the thirst from the last year....
so probably may happen again..
earthquakes happen everyday underground because of rocks melted in lava but the most of them are not strong enough to affect the ground, so no worries about that it's just a normal random event
4left has written
you are ok ? i am on and this show activities in the world
yeaah.. its was just 4,4 magnitude..
I live at top of Hungary.. not at the mountains..
Why do you want to say its normal random event?
In Hungary never had earthquakes in the past, just from last year..
Marcell has written
In Hungary never had earthquakes in the past, just from last year..
Actually no,
as i said it all happens underground, it's not worth worrying
Dynamite07 has written
Well, as your country isnt near water and not very affected by a rift i think you dont need to be afraid. I think the the biggest problem is the tsunami but idk what is a tsnumi because here waves are bigger than 20m.
Tsunami, seriously?