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English RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

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old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline

user Terrorus has written
skill > sprint > +10 speed
skill > charge > just simple charge, aim anywhere you want
skill > invisiblity
CT vs TT
2 big islands
events (christmas, holiday, haloween)
auction house

Please, read the dev. blog and other posts before posting. Yates already said there will be no skills. There ARE bosses and PvP arenas instead of battlegrounds.
But the auction and some coded events would be awesome.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Reviewer Off Offline

The auction would never be used and would be a waste of time for me to code. Events are planned, but what the events are I have no idea. This is what I have you guys for.

@user Terrorus: As Alexksix said, no skill shit. I don't like it, I don't want it. Think of an item which has a special power, I don't want some magical dragon burst crap that came from no where once you click E.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline

Blood Mana; Exchange life for mana (player life for player mana, monster life for player mana, other player's life for player mana)
Augmented Strength; Exchange all mana for attack, stop health regen for a while (if that's a thing), lower defense..
idk; Flash yourself for certain duration, high speed
edited 1×, last 14.01.14 06:10:41 pm

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline

Instability; The next hit you take will teleport you to a random spot in a x pixel range (or alternatively as many tiles up/down/left/right as possible till you hit a wall tile)
Recursive Weapon; A dagger/bow/sword/spear with recursive damage - every next hit will deal twice as much damage (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128).
Alternatively the Recursive Spell which deals twice as much damage every second (with a 50% chance to deal twice as much damage)

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Moderator Off Offline

• Scared Courage (Spell)
You cast it and it gives you an effect -10% +2 speed until you start fighting someone then it disappears. Costs mana so mostly useful for faster travel between cities and similar stuff

• Illusionary Defense (Spell)
You get a shield which gives you extra 20% defense. The downside of it is that it has high cooldown and if you get 10 hits from an enemy (player/monster) the spell breaks, making you get +40% damage for X amount of seconds.
If you don't get hit 10 times in 30 seconds, the effects wear off (both good and possibility to get bad)

• Stubborn Spike (Melee weapon)
Falling below 20% health while wearing this weapon will give you extra Damage %

• Enchanting (Stat)
Gives extra stats if you can enchant successfully. You might need Potion of Enchanting or maybe some special ingredients to be able to enchant. I'd say about 33% of weapon stats can be added from enchanting if the person has max enchanting level or so. Or maybe enchanting would allow to increase only certain stats on lower levels.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline

@user Rainoth: That Enchanting stat, I saw it somewhere and it was great.

How it worked:

The max enchanting could be 150% (150% more stats) and for every 20-30% it was going up it was glowing to different colors and ofc it could fail and get down some % or be destroyed. To enchant it you needed a enchant stuffs and if you don't want it to fail you could buy something (don't remember the name) to prevent it from being destroyed or decreased %.

I don't know if ur gonna do this or not. Just a tip.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline

Adrenalin Pot

Gives you Strength Boost and Speed Boost for serveral minutes;but if its over,u get slowness and weakness.

Also as Skill:

Kill 10 Mobs to get strength boost,etc..

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Deleted User

I have idea how to make every player happy. So in tibia, there are limited amount of houses. The problem is that if the server will become very popular, it will be REALLY painful to buy yourself a house. I fixed that problem in my own RPG project by adding 32 areas outside of the map to act as player houses. So when you join server house area which belongs to your ID will be loaded, and will act as your house. When player leaves, the house will be cleaned out of furniture/items. In order for payer to get inside of his house, he will have to be teleported from somewhere. (Like POH portal from RuneScape)

Hope you understand what I mean because it's very hard to explain anything with my English skills.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Deleted User

Oh, pretty good idea.

Another idea:
Overload Potion. Boosts attack and defence for 50% and keeps hurting the one who drank it. The potion will lose effect after the player is below 25% of health.
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