CS2D General CS2D b Pre-Release Test VersionI can`t set, for example, 31/100 bullets for AK. Max value is 30/90.
StirlizZ-Fapicon has written
@ DC: Found one more bug with setammo
I can`t set, for example, 31/100 bullets for AK. Max value is 30/90.
I can`t set, for example, 31/100 bullets for AK. Max value is 30/90.
Is it because of has written
Note: Maximum values are restricted by the weapon attributes. You can't use higher values.
And the light engine works well!
I thought you are gonna add the 1920x1080 resolution for editor.
edited 1×, last 06.12.13 07:17:07 pm
There is no any reason to release this command in it`s cutted version.
Hope my few suggestions in sug. thread will be released in this update
StirlizZ-Fapicon has written
Of course there is. You were unable to set ammo before, now you are able to. Of course it would be dumb if you could give more ammo than a gun actually can hold. @ Rainoth: , Oh, are DC serious? Anyone else thinks it`s not necessary?
There is no any reason to release this command in it`s cutted version.
Hope my few suggestions in sug. thread will be released in this update
There is no any reason to release this command in it`s cutted version.
Hope my few suggestions in sug. thread will be released in this update
Seems not
Re: CS2D b Pre-Release Test Version
Deleted UserYou might want to take a look at this:
Pretty sure last time I used it it was bugged. So no thanks.
But as long as it gets updated, it's fine.
seems to be nice that the light engine is fixed. Also no bugs so far. Ah yes there is a 1 question: does it needs to edit/update the translation files on release version?
also i found a bug. Sometimes, when you move, you can't press left-click which means that you can't attack.
I can't reproduce that attack issue. What exactly does "sometimes" mean? Can you reproduce the bug and tell me the steps which lead to it? Can anyone confirm this problem?
@ sheeL: Which binds? This would be the right time to tell me. You can send me a PM with the binds to avoid that idiots see them and use them to crash servers.
Ace Howl has written
Good update ever? Better update ever?
Neither of these make any sense.
And if you're trying to say this is the best update ever, that's not going to make much sense either, as compared to some previous updates it's a "minor bugfix-update".
On a side note, I wish @ sonnenschein (which is inactive) still updated his CS2D Versions website and put this in there.
For those who never heard of it, it archives lots of CS2D versions, including the April Fools CS2D and pre-releases like this one and dedicated server versions, but it stopped after b0.1.1.9.