Off Topic Smile HD (My Litle Pony Parody) Smile HD (My Litle Pony Parody)
14 replies71 COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
Didn't expect that most of our society are bronies, but anyways this parody is mostly "normal" side of MLP Oh yeah, i expected that. DC Admin Offline
Too much high pitched singing and annoying music, not enough gore. I don't really like it. Could have been much better. That doesn't sound like my little pony, DC... But I guess that's why you write that... Sarcasm? DC Admin Offline
I'm just judging the video, not my little pony in general
It's a parody which uses gore anyway. A bit more exaggeration would have been nice in my opinion.
Well.. everything explodes in the end.. but.. whatever... I don't know. 71 COMMUNITY BANNED Offline
@ DC Oh yea, some blood, brains, add bronies`s broken hearts, so here it is! Safar, bech! I always ignored that whole thing with ponies. Not long ago I found some great music which has images with them. The music has almost nothing to do with the images but still. This one was interesting but I do not really get what's so entertaining with it. I guess ponies getting they're ass kicked and blood spilling everywhere will do but I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes of this. I'd just get bored. Nice, animation and drawing, i personally like the melody as for the text, what can you expect for children cartoon. What have we learned kids, that giving super powers to a small peanut brain, solve cataclysmic consequences.
My Little Pony, My Little Pony, Friendship gonna kill you soon. If you want to watch gore videos, go on Youtube and type in Happy Tree Friends,it will be irritating at first(the intro) and their is even a cupcake meets HTF (happy tree friends) NOW that's weird stuff. I love happy tree friends yeah me know that's stuff is awesome,all the gore did u watch that creepy cupcake rainbow episode made by a fan,I recemond it,its creepy to. Ugh, i hate happy tree friends... Dont get me wrong i like fictional violence, but some of the more detailed gorey stuff makes me cringe, as much as I cringe to medical videos... Such as the episode of htf, where this guy grinds up an eye thinking it was a lemon... That stuff... Ugh that stuff is gross... Kinda like when lee from walking dead game spills his guts from a zombie. I agree with Jawohl. Such a parody is funny but the detailled stuff of Happy Tree Friends is partly really disgusting... i taught you like gore stuff,well i love it i have seen the cartoon before when i was 10 i think, its funny for me