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English Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

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Poll Poll

Which console do you prefer?

Only registered users are allowed to vote
Xbox One
34.55% (19)
PlayStation 4
65.45% (36)
55 votes cast

old Poll Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

Happy Killer
BANNED Off Offline

Hi all.

A few time ago, finally next-gen (now current) consoles are arrived. Hurrayy!

So, the question is simple.

Which console do you prefer better?

Spoiler >

old Re: Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

Reviewer Off Offline

You can't compare them. Don't try, it will just lead to a shitstorm like always.

This also means you missed an option in the poll: "I don't care."

old Re: Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

Reviewer Off Offline

user Happy Killer has written
user Yates Yes, I can.

No you can't. I bet you just care about the games they have instead of the actual aspects of both consoles. Thus a shitstorm will start because of total ignorance, just like you're doing now.

user Happy Killer has written
So, stick to the simple question.

I answered your question, I do not care which console. They are both great machines.

So, keep on being ignorant and people like this ((L) u deathmask) will get your thread closed..
user medeiros has written
PlayStation 4 is obviously superior in every major aspect.


It's called the dinosaur tool.

old Re: Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

User Off Offline

The intention of the Sony about PS4 sells on Brazil, consisted of selling the console without the last piece, so Brazil can produce it and lower alot of interests. But it didn't happen, and the montant ended in over 4000 reais. It is like +/- 2000 dollars.

Sad but true.

Graphics isn't my main choice to buy games, and both machines are pretty good. I would rather prefer Xbox.

old Re: Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

User Off Offline

Pc is the best but I've always have been around sony's product playstation so I have and probably always will prefer any playstation over any and every xbox.

old Re: Xbox One or PlayStation 4?

User Off Offline

Both are relativeley the same with more or less the same ammount of bad things and good things for each 1 but the most important thing is usually online play, so PS4 wins 100% smashing victory, why?

Xbox One price (monthly in Spain): 15,99 euros
PS 4 price (monthly in Europe): 4,99 euros (more or less)

Considering you have to pay internet in separate, good luck with those 16 euros on top. 3 months xbox one = 1 year ps4.
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