Monster = {name = 'Monster', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/circle.png', scalex = 1, scaley = 1, atk = 1, def = 1, spd = 5, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, exp = 5, money = 50, type = 'monster', loot = {}}
local t = 0
local SPAWNS = {
FULLMAP = {{0, 0}, {150, 150}},
BOTTOMHALF = {{0, 100}, {150, 150}},
ONIXCAVE = {{165, 30}, {184, 48}},
BERSCAVE = {{166, 106}, {183, 113}},
DRAGCAVE = {{173, 130}, {189, 137}},
ICECAVE = {{109, 0}, {124, 6}},
POISCAVE = {{34, 166}, {49, 176}},
GCAVE = {{73, 180}, {82, 185}},
BCAVE = {{125, 186}, {141, 193}},
NEWCAVE = {{9, 241}, {62, 265}},
GOODCAVE = {{20, 340}, {70, 366}},
name = 'Bulbasaur', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/1.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2, r = 136, g = 224, b = 32,
atk = 1.9, def = 2.1, spd = 6, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {5}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 15, money = 100, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 102}, {chance = 250, id = 221}},
spc = {1500, function(self)
radiusmsg("Bulbasaur casts heal!", self.x, self.y)
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 255 255 255")
name = 'Charmander', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/4.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 2.2, def = 1.8, spd = 6, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {5}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 15, money = 100, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 100}, {chance = 250, id = 222}},
spc = {1000, function(self, target)
radiusmsg("Charmander uses ember!", self.x, self.y)
parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 96 40')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 64 255 128 0')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 96 255 255 0')
name = 'Squirtle', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/7.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 1.7, def = 2.3, spd = 6, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {5}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 15, money = 100, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 101}, {chance = 250, id = 223}},
spc = {1000, function(self)
radiusmsg("Squirtle uses watergun!", self.x, self.y)
parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 96 40')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 96 255 255 255')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 75 96 128 128 255')
name = 'Caterpie', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/10.png', scalex = 1.5, scaley = 1.5, r = 104, g = 152, b = 40,
atk = 1.1, def = 1.2, spd = 7, atkspd = 10, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 20,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {100}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 5, money = 30, loot = {{chance = 8000, id = 1}},
name = 'Weedle', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/13.png', scalex = 1.5, scaley = 1.5, r = 104, g = 152, b = 40,
atk = 1.2, def = 1.1, spd = 7, atkspd = 10, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 20,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {100}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 5, money = 30, loot = {{chance = 8000, id = 1}},
name = 'Pidgey', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/16.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 1.2, def = 1.2, spd = 10, atkspd = 7, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 20,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {50}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 13, money = 60, loot = {},
spc = {500, function(self)
radiusmsg("Pidgey uses sand attack!", self.x, self.y)
parse('flashposition ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100')
name = 'Ratata', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/19.png', scalex = 1.5, scaley = 1.5,
atk = 1.0, def = 1.0, spd = 9, atkspd = 5, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 20,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {100}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 7, money = 50, loot = {{chance = 8000, id = 4}},
name = 'Spearow', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/21.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 1.4, def = 1.0, spd = 10, atkspd = 7, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 20,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {50}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 13, money =60, loot = {},
spc = {2500, function(self, id, dist)
if not self.agility then
radiusmsg("Spearow uses agility!", self.x, self.y)
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 155 255 155")
radiussound("weapons/g_flash.wav", self.x, self.y)
self._spd = self.spd
self.spd = 10
self.agility = true
imagecolor(self.image, 155, 255, 155)
timer(5000, "CONFIG.MONSTERSKILLS.endAgility",
elseif dist <= 32 then
self:hit(id, 10)
name = 'Ekans', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/23.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 1.8, def = 1.2, spd = 7, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {20}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 10, money = 80, loot = {},
spc = {500, function(self, id, dist)
if dist <= 96 then
radiusmsg("Ekans uses poison sting!", self.x, self.y)
self:hit(id, 20)
name = 'Pikachu', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/25.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 2.1, def = 2.1, spd = 7, atkspd = 7, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {5}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 25, money = 120, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 103}, {chance = 250, id = 220}},
spc = {500, function(self)
radiusmsg("Pikachu uses thundershock!", self.x, self.y)
parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 96 40')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 96 255 255 0')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 75 64 255 255 255')
name = 'Sandshrew', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/27.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 1.7, def = 2.1, spd = 7, atkspd = 7, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {5, 20}},
spawn = {
exp = 18, money = 120, loot = {},
spc = {1000, function(self)
radiusmsg("Sandshrew uses sand attack!", self.x, self.y)
parse('flashposition ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100')
name = 'NidoranF', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/29.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 1.8, def = 1.2, spd = 7, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {20}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 10, money = 80, loot = {},
spc = {750, function(self, id, dist)
if dist <= 96 then
radiusmsg("NidoranF uses poison sting!", self.x, self.y)
self:hit(id, 20)
name = 'NidoranM', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/32.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 1.8, def = 1.2, spd = 7, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {20}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 10, money = 80, loot = {},
spc = {750, function(self, id, dist)
if dist <= 96 then
radiusmsg("NidoranM uses horn attack!", self.x, self.y)
self:hit(id, 20)
name = 'Vulpix', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/37.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 2.2, def = 1.8, spd = 7, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 10, money = 100, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 104}},
spc = {500, function(self, id, dist)
radiusmsg("Vulpix uses flamethrower!", self.x, self.y)
local x1, y1 = self.x, self.y
local rot = math.atan2(player(id, 'y')-y1, player(id, 'x')-x1) + math.pi/2
local x2, y2 = math.sin(rot), -math.cos(rot)
local fire = image("gfx/sprites/spot.bmp", 0, 0, 1)
imagepos(fire, x1+x2*64, y1+y2*64, math.deg(rot)+180)
imagescale(fire, 1.5, 2)
imagecolor(fire, 255, 64, 0)
imageblend(fire, 1)
timer(500, "freeimage", fire)
parse('explosion ' .. x1+x2*100 .. ' ' .. y1+y2*100 .. ' 48 40')
parse('explosion ' .. x1+x2*50 .. ' ' .. y1+y2*50 .. ' 32 40')
name = 'Meowth', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/52.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 2.2, def = 2.2, spd = 10, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 25, money = 100, loot = {{chance = 1000, id = 230}},
name = 'Mankey', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/56.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 2.5, def = 1.8, spd = 10, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0, range = 48,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 25, money = 120, loot = {{chance = 1000, id = 300},{chance = 1000, id = 301},{chance = 1000, id = 302},{chance = 1000, id = 303},{chance = 1000, id = 304},{chance = 1000, id = 305},{chance = 1000, id = 306},{chance = 1000, id = 307}},
spc = {1000, function(self, id, dist)
if not self.rage then
radiusmsg("Mankey uses rage!", self.x, self.y)
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 255 155 155")
radiussound("weapons/g_flash.wav", self.x, self.y)
self._atk = self.atk
self.atk = 3.3
self.rage = true
imagecolor(self.image, 255, 155, 155)
timer(5000, "CONFIG.MONSTERSKILLS.endRage",
elseif dist <= 96 then
radiusmsg("Mankey uses karate chop!", self.x, self.y)
self:hit(id, 20)
name = 'Angry Mankey', health = 200, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/Gazer.png', scalex = 3, scaley = 3,
atk = 3.5, def = 2.8, spd = 15, atkspd = 12, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0, range = 48,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 50, money = 240, loot = {{chance = 1000, id = 320},{chance = 1000, id = 321},{chance = 1000, id = 322},{chance = 1000, id = 323},{chance = 1000, id = 324},{chance = 1000, id = 325},{chance = 1000, id = 326},{chance = 1000, id = 327}},
spc = {1000, function(self, id, dist)
if not self.rage then
radiusmsg("Angry Mankey uses rage!", self.x, self.y)
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 255 155 155")
radiussound("weapons/g_flash.wav", self.x, self.y)
self._atk = self.atk
self.atk = 3.3
self.rage = true
imagecolor(self.image, 255, 155, 155)
timer(5000, "CONFIG.MONSTERSKILLS.endRage",
elseif dist <= 96 then
radiusmsg("Mankey uses karate chop!", self.x, self.y)
self:hit(id, 20)
name = 'Abra', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/63.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2,
atk = 0.6, def = 1.0, spd = 5, atkspd = 10, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 100,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.FULLMAP}
exp = 8, money = 50, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 105}},
spc = {2500, function(self)
radiusmsg("Abra uses teleport!", self.x, self.y)
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 255 255 255")
local dir = math.random(math.pi*2)
if self:move(dir, 40) or self:move(dir, -40) then
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 255 255 255")
name = 'Gastly', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/92.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2, r = 64, g = 0, b = 64,
atk = 1.2, def = 1.5, spd = 8, atkspd = 10, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 50,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 8, money = 100, loot = {},
spc = {1000, function(self, id, dist)
if dist <= 64 and not PLAYERS[id].tmp.paralyse then
radiusmsg("Gastly uses lick!", self.x, self.y)
PLAYERS[id].tmp.paralyse = true
msg2(id, "You are paralysed.")
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. player(id, 'x') .. " " .. player(id, 'y') .. " 5 5 64 0 64")
timer(3000, "rem.paralyse", id)
elseif dist <= 32 then
self:hit(id, 10)
name = 'Onix', health = 125, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/Braindeath.png', scalex = 3, scaley = 3, r = 144, g = 144, b = 144,
atk = 1.8, def = 5.0, spd = 3, atkspd = 10, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0, range = 64,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {50}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.ONIXCAVE}
exp = 100, money = 300, loot = {{chance = 1000, id = 310},{chance = 1000, id = 311},{chance = 1000, id = 312},{chance = 1000, id = 313},{chance = 1000, id = 314},{chance = 1000, id = 315},{chance = 1000, id = 316}},
spc = {1000, function(self)
if not self.harden then
radiusmsg("Onix uses harden!", self.x, self.y)
parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" " .. self.x .. " " .. self.y .. " 5 5 192 192 192")
radiussound("weapons/g_flash.wav", self.x, self.y)
self._def = self.def
self.def = 7.5
self.harden = true
imagecolor(self.image, 155, 155, 255)
timer(5000, "CONFIG.MONSTERSKILLS.endHarden",
name = 'Berserk', health = 250, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/Elder Bonelord.png', scalex = 3, scaley = 3,
atk = 3.2, def = 3.2, spd = 10, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BERSCAVE}
exp = 200, money = 600, loot = {{chance = 500, id = 330},{chance = 500, id = 331},{chance = 500, id = 332},{chance = 500, id = 333},{chance = 500, id = 334},{chance = 500, id = 335}},
name = 'Dragon', health = 500, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/Bonelord.png', scalex = 3, scaley = 3,
atk = 4.2, def = 4.2, spd = 10, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.DRAGCAVE}
exp = 400, money = 1200, loot = {{chance = 500, id = 340},{chance = 500, id = 341},{chance = 500, id = 342},{chance = 500, id = 343},{chance = 500, id = 344},{chance = 500, id = 345},{chance = 500, id = 346}},
name = 'Ice bird', health = 1000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/144.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 5.2, def = 6.2, spd = 10, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.ICECAVE}
exp = 800, money = 2400, loot = {{chance = 500, id = 350},{chance = 500, id = 351},{chance = 500, id = 352},{chance = 500, id = 353},{chance = 500, id = 354},{chance = 500, id = 355}},
name = 'Poision monster', health = 2000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/123.png', scalex = 5, scaley = 5,
atk = 6.2, def = 7.2, spd = 10, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.POISCAVE}
exp = 1600, money = 4800, loot = {{chance = 500, id = 360},{chance = 500, id = 361},{chance = 500, id = 362},{chance = 500, id = 363},{chance = 500, id = 364}},
name = 'Gronite', health = 4000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/gronite.png', scalex = 5, scaley = 5,
atk = 7.2, def = 8.2, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.GCAVE}
exp = 3200, money = 9600, loot = {{chance = 500, id = 370},{chance = 500, id = 371},{chance = 500, id = 372},{chance = 500, id = 373},{chance = 500, id = 374}},
name = 'Bronite', health = 8000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/tronite.png', scalex = 5, scaley = 5,
atk = 8.2, def = 9.2, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BCAVE}
exp = 6400, money = 21200, loot = {{chance = 500, id = 380},{chance = 500, id = 381},{chance = 500, id = 382},{chance = 500, id = 383},{chance = 500, id = 384}},
name = 'Lava Dragon', health = 10000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/firedragon.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 9.2, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.NEWCAVE}
exp = 8000, money = 25000, loot = {{chance = 500, id = 390},{chance = 500, id = 391},{chance = 500, id = 392},{chance = 500, id = 393},{chance = 500, id = 394}},
name = 'Sunflare Dragon', health = 12000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/54433.png', scalex = 5, scaley = 5,
atk = 10, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.NEWCAVE}
exp = 10000, money = 27000, loot = {{chance = 500, id =500},{chance = 500, id = 501},{chance = 500, id = 502},{chance = 500, id = 503},{chance = 500, id = 504}},
name = 'Nyan cat', health = 14000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/nyancat.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 10, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.NEWCAVE}
exp = 12000, money = 30000, loot = {{chance = 500, id =510},{chance = 500, id = 511},{chance = 500, id = 512},{chance = 500, id = 513},{chance = 500, id = 514}},
name = 'Hielo fish', health = 16000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/134.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 10, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.NEWCAVE}
exp = 14000, money = 32000, loot = {{chance = 500, id =520},{chance = 500, id = 521},{chance = 500, id = 522},{chance = 500, id = 523},{chance = 500, id = 524},{chance = 500, id = 525},{chance = 500, id = 526}},
name = 'Evil', health = 18000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/bigcene.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 10, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.GOODCAVE}
exp = 16000, money = 34000, loot = {{chance = 500, id =530},{chance = 500, id = 531},{chance = 500, id = 532},{chance = 500, id = 533},{chance = 500, id = 534},{chance = 500, id = 535},{chance = 500, id = 536}},
name = 'reddragon', health = 20000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/e2.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 10, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.GOODCAVE}
exp = 18000, money = 36000, loot = {{chance = 500, id =540},{chance = 500, id = 541},{chance = 500, id = 542},{chance = 500, id = 543},{chance = 500, id = 544}},
name = 'dark demon', health = 22000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/e16.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 10, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.GOODCAVE}
exp = 20000, money = 38000, loot = {{chance = 500, id =550},{chance = 500, id = 551},{chance = 500, id = 552},{chance = 500, id = 553},{chance = 500, id = 554},{chance = 500, id = 555},{chance = 500, id = 556}},
name = 'phoenix', health = 24000, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/dtronite.png', scalex = 4, scaley = 4,
atk = 10, def = 10, spd = 15, atkspd = 6, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 0,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {25}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.GOODCAVE}
exp = 22000, money = 49000, loot = {{chance = 500, id =560},{chance = 500, id = 561},{chance = 500, id = 562},{chance = 500, id = 563},{chance = 500, id = 564},{chance = 500, id = 565}},
name = 'Voltorb', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/100.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2, r = 144, g = 144, b = 144,
atk = 2.3, def = 2.3, spd = 5, atkspd = 8, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 20, range = 48,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 30, money = 130, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 103}},
spc = {1000, function(self)
if < 20 then
radiusmsg("Voltorb uses selfdestruct!", self.x, self.y)
parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 128 80')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 128 255 128 0')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 128 255 255 0')
radiusmsg("Voltorb uses thundershock!", self.x, self.y)
parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 96 40')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 96 255 255 0')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 75 64 255 255 255')
name = 'Koffing', health = 100, image = 'gfx/weiwen/pokemon/109.png', scalex = 2, scaley = 2, r = 128, g = 128, b = 0,
atk = 2.0, def = 1.7, spd = 4, atkspd = 10, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 20, range = 48,
spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {10}},
spawn = {
['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.BOTTOMHALF}
exp = 30, money = 150, loot = {{chance = 5000, id = 106}},
spc = {1000, function(self)
if < 20 then
radiusmsg("Koffing uses explosion!", self.x, self.y)
parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 128 40')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 128 255 128 0')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 128 255 255 0')
radiusmsg("Koffing uses poison fog!", self.x, self.y)
parse('explosion ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 96 40')
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 100 96 128 128 0')
endAgility = function(id)
self = MONSTERS[tonumber(id)]
self.spd = self._spd
self._spd = nil
imagecolor(self.image, 255, 255, 255)
self.agility = nil
endRage = function(id)
self = MONSTERS[tonumber(id)]
self.atk = self._atk
self._atk = nil
imagecolor(self.image, 255, 255, 255)
self.rage = nil
endHarden = function(id)
self = MONSTERS[tonumber(id)]
self.def = self._def
self._def = nil
imagecolor(self.image, 255, 255, 255)
self.harden = nil
addhook("attack", "MONSTERattack")
function MONSTERattack(id)
if gettile(PLAYERS[id].x, PLAYERS[id].y).SAFE or gettile(PLAYERS[id].x, PLAYERS[id].y).NOMONSTERS then
if inarray({400, 401, 402, 403, 404}, PLAYERS[id].Equipment[7]) then
message(id, "You may not attack on a horse.")
local weapon, closest = player(id, 'weapontype')
for _, m in ipairs(MONSTERS) do
local x, y = player(id, 'x'), player(id, 'y')
local dist = math.sqrt((m.x-x)^2+(m.y-y)^2)
if dist <= (closest and closest[2] or (CONFIG.WEAPONRANGE[weapon] or CONFIG.WEAPONRANGE[50])) then
local rot = player(id, 'rot')
if math.abs(math.rad(rot) - math.atan2(y-m.y, x-m.x) + math.pi/2)%(2*math.pi) <= (CONFIG.WEAPONWIDTH[weapon] or CONFIG.WEAPONRANGE[50]) then
closest = {m, dist}
if closest then
closest[1]:damage(id, math.ceil(20*((PLAYERS[id].Level+50)*PLAYERS[id].tmp.atk/closest[1].def)/math.random(60, 140)), weapon)
addhook("ms100", "MONSTERms100")
function MONSTERms100()
t = t + 1
if t % 100 == 0 then
local rand, spawnNo, mapName
while true do
rand = math.random(#CONFIG.MONSTERS)
mapName = CONFIG.MONSTERS[rand].spawn[map'name'] and map'name' or CONFIG.DEFAULTMAP
spawnNo = math.random(#CONFIG.MONSTERS[rand].spawn[mapName])
if math.random(0, 100) < CONFIG.MONSTERS[rand].spawnchance[mapName][spawnNo] then
local m = deepcopy(CONFIG.MONSTERS[rand])
local x, y, tilex, tiley
local spawn = m.spawn[mapName][spawnNo]
tilex, tiley = math.random(spawn[1][1], spawn[2][1]), math.random(spawn[1][2], spawn[2][2])
until not gettile(tilex, tiley).SAFE and
not gettile(tilex, tiley).NOMONSTERS and
tile(tilex, tiley, "walkable") and
tile(tilex, tiley, "frame") ~= 34
m.x, m.y = math.floor(tilex*32+16), math.floor(tiley*32+16)
for _, m in ipairs(MONSTERS) do
if t % m.atkspd == 0 then = nil
local closest
for _, p in ipairs(table.shuffle(player(0, 'table'))) do
if player(p, 'health') > 0 and
not gettile(PLAYERS[p].x, PLAYERS[p].y).SAFE and
not gettile(PLAYERS[p].x, PLAYERS[p].y).NOMONSTERS then
local dist = math.sqrt((player(p, 'x')-m.x)^2 + (player(p, 'y')-m.y)^2)
if dist < 400 then
if not closest or dist < closest[2] then
closest = {p, dist}
if closest then
local dist = closest[2]
if dist < 400 then = closest[1]
if m.spc and math.random(10000) <= m.spc[1] then
m.spc[2](m,, dist)
elseif dist <= (m.range or 32) then
m:hit(, 10)
m.imgang = math.sin(t/2.5*math.pi) * 15
if and player(, 'exists') and player(, 'health') > 0 and
not gettile(PLAYERS[].x, PLAYERS[].y).SAFE and
not gettile(PLAYERS[].x, PLAYERS[].y).NOMONSTERS then
xdist, ydist = player(, 'x') - m.x, player(, 'y') - m.y
local dist = math.sqrt(xdist^2 + ydist^2)
if dist < 400 then
m.ang = math.atan2(ydist, xdist)-math.pi/2+math.random(-1, 1)/2
else = nil
if not then
m:rot(math.random(-1, 1)/2)
if not m:move(m:rot(), > m.runat and 1 or -1) then
repeat until m:move(math.rad(math.random(360)), 1)
function Monster:new(m)
if not (m.x or m.y) then return false end
m.image = image(m.image, m.x, m.y, 0)
imagescale(m.image, m.scalex, m.scaley)
setmetatable(m, self)
self.__index = self
local n = #MONSTERS+1
return m
function Monster:pos(x, y)
if not x and not y then
return self.x, self.y
self.x, self.y = x or self.x, y or self.y
imagepos(self.image, self.x, self.y, self.imgang)
return true
function Monster:move(dir, amt)
local x, y = -math.sin(dir)*amt*self.spd, math.cos(dir)*amt*self.spd
local x, y = self.x+x, self.y+y
local tilex, tiley = math.floor(x/32), math.floor(y/32)
if tile(tilex, tiley, 'walkable') and tile(tilex, tiley, 'frame') ~= 34 and
not gettile(tilex, tiley).SAFE and
not gettile(tilex, tiley).NOMONSTERS then
self:pos(x, y)
return true
self:rot(math.random(-1, 1)*math.pi/2)
return false
function Monster:damage(id, dmg, wpntype)
if not PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.damagem then
message(id, "You have attacked a monster! Good job! Keep on attacking it until it dies.", "255128000")
PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.damagem = true
local wpnName
if weapon == 251 then
wpnName = 'rune'
elseif weapon == 46 then
wpnName = 'firewave'
dmg = dmg/5
wpnName = PLAYERS[id].Equipment[3] and ITEMS[PLAYERS[id].Equipment[3]].name or 'dagger'
end = - dmg
--print(player(id, 'name') .. ' deals ' .. dmg .. ' damage to ' .. .. ' usng a ' .. wpnName .. '.')
if <= 0 then
if not PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.killm then
message(id, "Congratulation! You have killed your first monster. You can proceed to pick up the loot by using the drop weapon button (default G)", "255128000")
PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.killm = true
addexp(id, math.floor(self.exp*CONFIG.EXPRATE))
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 10 ' .. self.scaley .. ' ' .. (self.r and (self.r .. ' ' .. self.g .. ' ' .. self.b) or '192 0 0'))
radiussound("weapons/machete_hit.wav", self.x, self.y)
return true
function Monster:hit(id, dmg)
if not PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.hitm then
message(id, "A monster is attacking you! You can fight back by swinging your weapon at it.", "255128000")
PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.hitm = true
if player(id, 'weapontype') == 41 and (math.abs(math.rad(player(id, 'rot')) - math.atan2(player(id, 'y')-self.y, player(id, 'x')-self.x) + math.pi/2)%(2*math.pi) <= math.pi*2/3) then
EXPhit(id, self, -1, dmg/4)
radiussound("weapons/ricmetal" .. math.random(1,2) .. ".wav", self.x, self.y)
EXPhit(id, self, -1, dmg)
radiussound("weapons/knife_hit.wav", self.x, self.y)
return true
function Monster:die(id)
local size = self.scalex+self.scaley
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' ' .. size .. ' 64 ' .. (self.r and (self.r .. ' ' .. self.g .. ' ' .. self.b) or '192 0 0'))
local tilex, tiley = math.floor(self.x/32), math.floor(self.y/32)
spawnitem(1337, tilex, tiley, math.floor(*math.random(50, 150)/100)*CONFIG.MONEYRATE)
for _, loot in ipairs(self.loot) do
local chance = math.random(10000)
if chance <= loot.chance then
spawnitem(, tilex, tiley)
radiussound("weapons/c4_explode.wav", self.x, self.y)
function Monster:destroy()
local found
for i, m in ipairs(MONSTERS) do = i
return true
function Monster:rot(rot)
if not rot then
return self.ang
self.ang = (self.ang+rot)%(math.pi*2)
return true
function Monster:damage(id, dmg, wpntype)
if not PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.damagem then
message(id, "You have attacked a monster! Good job! Keep on attacking it until it dies.", "255128000")
PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.damagem = true
local wpnName
if wpntype == 251 then
wpnName = 'rune'
elseif wpntype == 46 then
wpnName = 'firewave'
dmg = dmg/5
wpnName = PLAYERS[id].Equipment[3] and ITEMS[PLAYERS[id].Equipment[3]].name or 'dagger'
end = - dmg
hudtxt2(id,41, 'Dealt '..dmg..' damage, '' health left.', '255000000', 397,380,0)
print(player(id, 'name') .. ' deals ' .. dmg .. ' damage to ' .. .. ' usng a ' .. wpnName .. '.')
if <= 0 then
if not PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.killm then
message(id, "Congratulation! You have killed your first monster. You can proceed to pick up the loot by using the drop weapon button (default G)", "255128000")
PLAYERS[id].Tutorial.killm = true
addexp(id, math.floor(self.exp*CONFIG.EXPRATE))
parse('effect "colorsmoke" ' .. self.x .. ' ' .. self.y .. ' 0 ' .. self.scaley .. ' ' .. (self.r and (self.r .. ' ' .. self.g .. ' ' .. self.b) or '192 0 0'))
radiussound("weapons/machete_hit.wav", self.x, self.y)
return true