Simple question, are you racist? Admin/mod comment
This thread makes no sense and will lead to racist comments. Trashed. /Zero Nah ma nigga I ain't no racist mothafucka, fo shizzle. In the opinion of many racists I am racist. So yes I am racist. I don't really hate or something the people of other races but I'd feel insecure or awkward near them, so I guess I am... You might call me racist, but really I am classist ( not sure if that word even exists ). The fact that most people who are of low class are of a different race to me explains it. I am racist although I hate racism.
Society in my country is racist as shit. yes i am racist .. against those and against any racist who insult my race/religion/country .. .fuck theme all !! some situations make me racist
like br talking shit or NL spamming all around Who da ya calling a racist, mo'fucka? Ma homie
Seekay will bang ya moms for dat, damn haters! Am I a racist, when I like to burn american flags?