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English 3rd World War is true ???

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closed moved 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

I saw many video about it . they say the 3rd world war will be : Iran Vs Israel
I'm really afraid of what will happen .
Iran have Nuclear ?
If he shooted it ? all will die ?
Or 3rd War will be : Korea "S" Vs America ??
im Realy x( .
waiting more reply to see if it true .

Admin/mod comment

Unreal Software will surely not be responsible for the 3rd world war so why do you post it in the Unreal Software section? Moved to Off Topic! /DC

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

Moderator Off Offline

For some reason I'm thinking that you're not really making this with serious intentions. I might be wrong.
As far as I know, world wars would include big parts of the world with many countries. 2 Countries involved are just having a war. With how things right now are, their alliances I believe will refrain from getting themselves in that mess.
And of course. Sometime the world war 3 will happen. Wars are inevitable. We don't/won't know the reason that will make them come true in the future.

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

Admin Off Offline

A "local" war which happens just between two countries is no world war. A world war takes place in multiple different countries and also involves the strongest countries on earth.

Iran vs Israel won't lead to a world war. Iran has nearly no allies whereas Isreal is allied with countries with the strongest/largest military like the USA and China. It could get problematic in case Russia decides to stick to Iran but this would be pure madness and won't happen.

What are you meaning with Korea "S"? South Korea? It's no enemy of America. They are allies. North Korea is an enemy of the USA though. That's one of the reasons why North Korea will probably never start a real war. They have no chance to win it. It wouldn't evolve to a world war either. North Korea only does all that military shit to trick their own people and to distract them from the internal problems.

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

user CaneCorso has written
I saw many video about it . they say the 3rd world war will be : Iran Vs Israel

Yeah that's right.

I'm really afraid of what will happen .

We dieeee.

Iran have Nuclear ?

If he shooted it ? all will die ?

That is correct my good sir, all will die if he[Iran] shoots it.

Or 3rd War will be : Korea "S" Vs America ??

NO! That is a lie from the pit of hell! Who has clouded your mind with such nonsense?

im Realy x( .
waiting more reply to see if it true .

It's true. Might as well start digging your own grave before the cyborg gestapo gets their hands on you.

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

My opinion:
Iran is a joke, no one is gonna let them finish their nuclear.
Israel can't do anything without usa's approval afaik.
There is also a third chance of a world war which is Russia and china supporting Syria but I don't think they will start a war over that stupid giraffe bashar.

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

All that part you're saying are just nonsense (Except the Nuclear part), admit it you're wanting a 3rd world war just because you don't want to go to school.

old Stop

User Off Offline


× STOP , Quote Political.
edited 1×, last 09.07.13 10:36:35 am

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

Deleted User

Israel also has nuclear weapon (I may be mistaking, but whatever.), and Iran has no chance anyways. It won't be called "The world war III". lol

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

It's real.
The third war world will be the arabic countrys (Muslims) (most Iran country peoples are muslim it will be with us) vs israel (Zionists).
About the war. (the last world war)
More >

About the last days of world end
More >

So read this book (kor-an) , I didn't said that you should belive in what we are beleiving. Just read a book to have an idea. Idc if you'll beleive or not cause it's your choice.
A "local" war which happens just between two countries is no world war.

user DC: Not between 2 countries , we are interrested.
That is correct my good sir, all will die if he[Iran] shoots it.

Not just IRAN will shot it , all the arabic countries.
Iran is a joke

user Ahmad: user Ahmad: Iran , can explode all this world by clicking a boutton.
Israel also has nuclear weapon

user Infinite Rain: It's USA's weapons , israel have nothing exept USA
user IRAN TOWN: Your screen shot is a fail.
edited 1×, last 09.07.13 01:37:39 pm

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

Deleted User

@user Xirot:
You have to be brain washed, haha.

Firstly: Israel's army is one of the most strongest armies in the world, "Massad".

Secondly: USA is OBVIOUSLY stronger than all your muslims countries.

Thirdly: Israel owned Palestine long before Muslims did.

Those three facts are truth, and you blindly believe in what your silly culture says.
P.S. Hilarious!!!
This what you have told in the spoiler "about the last days", is written in Torah, I fucking Lol'd. And Judaism is the oldest religion, guess who is copying?

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

Thirdly: Israel owned Palestine long before Muslims did.

Yeah we did , we didn't killed Zionist at all.
You have to be brain washed, haha.

I'm reading other relegion books , I prefer the koran it's more logic for me , I feel good when I read it.
Secondly: USA is OBVIOUSLY stronger than all your muslims countries.

Dude , didn't you saw muslim countries united a day?
Of course you didn't so be quiet and shut up.

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

Deleted User

I'm reading other relegion books , I prefer the koran it's more logic for me , I feel good when I read it.

Hmm, then how will you explain the fact that the koran is actually copy-paste (with some edits, of course) of Torah?
Judaism is actually older than your religion, look:

Oh and another fact, have you ever heard of 6days war? When Israel was created, arabic countries attacked israel from all the sides, and guess who won? (they had no allies at that time)

Whatever, I will stop speaking to you. It has no sense.

old Muslims

User Off Offline

Unity of all Muslims :
What is countries ?
I Give all earth and Moon and Sun ...

I am a Muslim.
I think , Muslims is very strong but Muslims is not unity in time now.

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

user Obviously Exactly Myself has written
If the both of you are really Muslims, maybe you can at least prove it by speaking proper English instead of the language of some drunk hobo sleeping on the ground.

Don't speak bull when you don't know a shit, muslims are all arabic and only ~30% of their population speak english.

user Infinite Rain has written
Hmm, then how will you explain the fact that the koran is actually copy-paste (with some edits, of course) of Torah?

Retarded like you doesn't even know that Torah and Quran were created(The revelation) both by muslims.

user Xirot has written
The muslim will start this war , and everyone here know why I guess. Cause israel stole pelastine's country. So all the arabic country will be united in one army. Israel will ask the help from other country and none will help. The freedom and the country will be back to pelastine.
Well , this is not from my brain , I didn't said this.
Everythings is storen in the Kor-an book. This is a part of the koran book about the End of the world.

This is really wrong and stupid, Nobody said the last fight is between Palestine and Israel and it's not in the Quran as you said.
edited 3×, last 09.07.13 03:25:55 pm

old Re: 3rd World War is true ???

User Off Offline

user Obviously Exactly Myself has written
If the both of you are really Muslims, maybe you can at least prove it by speaking proper English instead of the language of some drunk hobo sleeping on the ground.

By that logic it seems like you're a drunk hobo sleeping on the ground yourself
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