I really believed that. omg..
I really believed that. omg..
Also, can't believe the amount of people that fell for it, like it wasn't obvious. "Harddrive exploded", my sides imploded. xDD
Oh you.. I still want the pink theme back.
Nearly forgot about it. Was also a good one.
I meant that I want it to be the only one available.
Cure Pikachu:
I meant that I want it to be the only one available.
I meant that I want it to be the only one available.
Oh, right. (Yeah it was a good one, pink FTW)
Try harder.
You failed this year.
edited 1×, last 01.04.13 01:22:03 pm
I still remember the pink version of the website.
It's still here.
DCs exploding hardrive