Match = a series of rounds in which the team with the most rounds won wins the match
Round = a certain time period in which a team can win the round by defusing, bomb-exploding, killing all enemies, etc. (in standard mode ofc.)
By your explanations one could say a lot of things are the same, while they aren't.
Just to point out, the links showed are streamings from CS2D Tournaments:
- IML 5on5 (International Master League) - The organization of it closed after the end of it.
- ICC v5 (International Championships of CS2D) - powered by PCS Project (tourney still ongoing - check for next livestreams at
(German timezone))
Overall as you see, CS2D has also a, somewhat, professional scene. Check them out, whoever is interested to learn more
@ DC: Maybe what i wrote looks like advertising spam (which is prohibited i know), but the fact is, UnrealSoftware has to be sometimes connected with important CS2D events, that's a way to grow up the interest in this game as well