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Englisch Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Yates hat geschrieben
user Suprise hat geschrieben
Because sometimes, when I want to go to the friends page, i click the logout button instead.

Then you seriously need to learn how to use a mouse. No offence.


alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

nice, nice idea you got @user Apfelbrot: .
What about when uploading files on the file archive or
creating new threads on the forum, Admins or moderator or anything else I didn't mention must wait for them to click something that will allow them to continue their process in posting or uploading

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user KiRa_3 hat geschrieben
nice, nice idea you got @user Apfelbrot: .
What about when uploading files on the file archive or
creating new threads on the forum, Admins or moderator or anything else I didn't mention must wait for them to click something that will allow them to continue their process in posting or uploading

That mean i have to wait until a mod or DC go online and accept my thread or my file to go.


alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user Q-Q: I'm glad that you noticed this. Now, where is the problem?
@user KiRa_3: With your idea it would be about the moderators to judge about uploaded files and threads before others get the chance to see it. That's not really fair, everybody should get the chance to share his files or to open his threads about whatever, without having to fear evil mods blocking him because of personal dislike or whatever reason.
The worst crap will be deleted/trashed fast anyway.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Like a forum but instead each user
gets a chance to make there own
blog here at It can be in
the profile page of a user or
also maybe there can be another
section in the community place

• If this idea is already posted
then i second it.

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Stop writing like that. /Factis

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

I think that DC should add rules that forbids you to write like:
List >

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

There should be a system where you could post a video in the website (File archive, comments, forum posts...)

A lot of forums I know has that system.
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