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Englisch Victory for Obama in the election

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Do you think Obama deserved to win?

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68,52% (37)
12,96% (7)
I don't know
18,52% (10)
54 Stimmen abgegeben

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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@user 3RROR: The bunkers are useless! We're all doomed!

On topic : I may congratulate him for his performance, but i don't think which I should choose if he deserves this or not, but yeah politics are hard for me

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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Well, im not from USA but i think that Obama was a good president. Cristina Fernandez here on Argentina is one of the most stupid presidents that Argentina had.

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user palomino hat geschrieben
[...]So, Americans? How does it feel to have another 4 years' time full of promises and unemployment?[...]

It's like Donald Tusk in Poland. Only promises, not doing anything.

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user medeiros hat geschrieben
ITT non-Americans talking about shit only Americans should care about.

Don't you think people should care about other countries? Especially if that country is one of the leading nations of the world and basically feeds some countries?

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user palomino hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
ITT non-Americans talking about shit only Americans should care about.

Don't you think people should care about other countries? Especially if that country is one of the leading nations of the world and basically feeds some countries?

caring about others is ok, but talking trash about other country's president whitout living in it is stupid

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user Draco hat geschrieben
caring about others is ok, but talking trash about other country's president whitout living in it is stupid

We can say whatever we want unless it does not exceed the political talk.

I can say America is not so good of a country with a government that does not make right decisions sometimes because I am politically correct, I did not (try) offend a certain party/race/country/group. You can't actually stop people from having opinions, so there is no point discussing this.
1× editiert, zuletzt 07.11.12 17:47:56

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user Yates hat geschrieben
user Draco hat geschrieben
caring about others is ok, but talking trash about other country's president whitout living in it is stupid

We can say whatever we want unless it does not exceed the political talk.

I can say America is not so good of a country with a government that does not make right decisions sometimes because I am politically correct. You can't actually stop people from having opinions, so there is no point discussing this.

i will not talk about this because i dont know very much about politics, i only said that i think it's a little weird talking about a country whitout living in it, and i agree whit you in most of the thing you said

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user medeiros hat geschrieben
Feeding? Don't force me to post an image of a typical fat American

They feed other countries, we are not talking about Americans here. They do give poor countries food and yet sustain themselves so there is no need in fact it would just be stupid to even post such a picture since you obviously don't read.
user medeiros hat geschrieben
(inb4 stereotypes).

You are talking to one. So you are too late.

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user Draco hat geschrieben
caring about others is ok, but talking trash about other country's president whitout living in it is stupid

Not stupid if I know my shit. I think he's a crappy president because it's my opinion based on my knowledge. And it's my right to say that out loud.
2× editiert, zuletzt 07.11.12 17:57:27

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

User On Online

user Yates hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
Feeding? Don't force me to post an image of a typical fat American

They feed other countries, we are not talking about Americans here. They do give poor countries food and yet sustain themselves so there is no need in fact it would just be stupid to even post such a picture since you obviously don't read.

Waiting for them to feed me. Where's my McDolnad's? Damn it...

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user palomino hat geschrieben
user Draco hat geschrieben
caring about others is ok, but talking trash about other country's president whitout living in it is stupid

Not stupid if I know my shit. I think he's a crappy president because it's my opinion based on my knowledge. And it's my right to say that out loud.

sorry if i used the wrong words, i mean it's weird. and i never sayd that you can't do it. i only sayd tat it's weird to talk about other country whitout living in it.

alt Re: Victory for Obama in the election

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user medeiros hat geschrieben
user Yates hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
Feeding? Don't force me to post an image of a typical fat American

They feed other countries, we are not talking about Americans here. They do give poor countries food and yet sustain themselves so there is no need in fact it would just be stupid to even post such a picture since you obviously don't read.

Waiting for them to feed me. Where's my McDolnad's? Damn it...

user medeiros hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
basically feeds some countries?

Feeding? Don't force me to post an image of a typical fat American (inb4 stereotypes).

The national debt of the US is actually helping a lot of countries, as the money is "returned" to them. America is also giving food to other countries, as Yates said, in various humanitarian missions. It's also Americans who killed Bin Laden.
Your reply was stupid, to say the least. Sorry.
2× editiert, zuletzt 07.11.12 18:08:40
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