1. You start a new clan! wich name would you give your clan?
2. Your clan has 30 members and you start to lose control because they are to many! what would you do?
I already had 120Members in my Old Clan, 30Members arn't too much.
3. a way better clan than your clan in CS2D want a clan war! what would you do?
lets kick some ass!
4. You found out that a good member of your clan is a hacker!
Kick him directly, I hate hackers
5. Nobody want to join your clan.. what would you do?
changelook. change main things like clanname/tag, website design and more
6. you dont want to play cs2d anymore. you will..
give the leadership to a very active player with 3 years cs2d experience
Test need other questions with more answers edited 1×, last 23.10.12 02:50:23 pm