Well, i need some help here, i changed the background (one in gray scale) and the menu is hard to see, i whant to know how can i change the menu colors (when i say menu i talka bout the "New game" "find server" etc menu SD User
I'm afraid you can't do it. Awwww :(, can i chnage it whit a lua or something? Options -> More -> menu_red / menu_green / menu_blue SD User
This will not change main menu text color. That optiosn dont work, im talking about the start menu, not the option menu. Ofc you can change the colour. But, its hard. You must code and shit
- Nothing is impossibru! ;d SD User
I believe that menu color is hard-coded, so you can't change it, even with hacks. You can still write a program that will simply overlay original menu with yours. Oh well, dont worry guys, i changed the background gor a better one. Thanks anyways for your help
Menu color easily can be changed in settings.
Options > More > menu_red / menu_green / menu_blue
Press OK and your menu color will be changed.
Oh, I just noticed that you want to change the text -.-
Sorry, it's impossible @
Infinite Rain: No, He is talking about menu color
Factis has written
Options > More > menu_red / menu_green / menu_blue
Press OK and your menu color will be changed.
This will help him. Admin/mod comment
Antaxus said: '(when i say menu i talka bout the "New game" "find server" etc menu)' /Factis Well I guess those are the most simple method! Well I bet your new to this place ain't ya? Right? If u are a newbie u got alot to learn
happy learning