RPGx - Server coming soon
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It is not a tibia edit! So don't ask me!
Ideas aren't stolen from Tibia! I took it from another MMORPG games!
Ideas aren't stolen from Tibia! I took it from another MMORPG games!
Hello guys!
Most of you probably know, that currently I'm working on RPGx project.
RPGx is a scratch-scripted MMORPG mod! It has got a lot of features, just TONS of them.

The NPCs there is used to talk to them, obviousley.
You can take quest from them or sell/buy items.
Unlike tibia, they can walk and rotates on you while you talking to them.
You can find guards near each city. What hey basically do, is shooting mobs and keeping them away from the safe area.
You can find mobs everywhere on the map (Except safe area, duh)
The mobs, basically trying to attack you. You have to fight them to get rare items or train your level.
Bosses are different than mobs.
Firstly: They spawning very common and it is REALLY hard to kill them
Secondly: They've got rage attacks, while boss' hp is lower than 1/5 his HP
Thirdly: They've got a missilies attack, that is attacking EVERY player around him
Also they've got effects on spawning/dieing. Some of them have two forms.
Well, items. You can pick/drop/equip/eat them
Dropped items will also dissapear, so don't leave your wealth on the ground!
You can also acces your inventory/equipment, by pressing first server action.
To pick an item you have to press your drop key.
Pretty nice HUD, Hud includes:
Health bar, Exp bar, Thirst bar, Your level, Your experience, Your money, Buffs.
Also, all the CS2D hud are hidden.
Screen keyboard
While you joining first time on the server, the keyboard gonna pop up.
I made this, to prevent Lua Injections by names.
Also it can be understandable as "Registration" because a lot RPGs have screen keyboard.
You can choose your class while you joined the server first time, just right after you choose your character's name
Classes are: Rogue, Ranger and Meeler
Each of them have it's minuses/pluses
House system
You can buy a house too, house is basically used to store your items, rest or train some skills.
But the best thing about houses, that is EVERYONE who ever joined the server can have his OWN house. But firstly, he have to buy it
To safe your items, you have to store them into a chest in your house.
What a RPG game without potions! So that's why I added a buff system.
There's five possible buffs: Thorns, Water walking, Swiftness, Ironskin and the buff that you won't get thirsty (Just don't know how to say it using one word)
Each of them can expire of course.
Item rarity
There's also thing like: "Item rarity" well, basically theres four levels of item rarity.
Items dropped by mobs or bought in shop is level 1.
Items that is dropped by bosses is level 2.
Items that is dropped by rare mobs is level 3.
Items that is get on event is level 4.
Why do we need it? Here ya go:
Items which is rarity level 2 will lay on ground for longer.
Items which is rarity level 3 will dissapear, but then it will be avaible at "junkyard"
Items which is rarity level 4 will dissapear only after an hour and after it's dissapeared this item will be avaible at "junkyard".
So I said something about it before.
The junk yard is: The shop, where Dissapeared items with rarity level 3 will be avaible in.
Note: Maybe It won't be implemented on offical release.
Summoning, ah!
Imageine that you're playing on Tibia server. You've met nice mob, and you want to tame it, but sad you can't...
In RPGx you can tame ANY mob that is common/usual.
What do you need:
1. Buy mechanism in summoning shop.
2. Get AI of the mob (using AI detector)
3. Go to summoning shop, and make your pet!
Pet will fight with you, and help you with healing/curing
But be aware: It can die
You can do a lot of item functions in same time!
say !bind to open bind menu
Example: Drink thorns, swiftness, ironskin potion, just by pressing F4
Example 2: Eat food on F4 press.
There also will be avaible crafting. So you can do smithing/cooking
There also will be avaible some skills!
Unlike tibia, RPGx won't include "infinity arrows".
Arrows for the bows, will be limited and purchasable :DD
You can also craft something like poisioned arrows, etc.
Saving system
I don't think I need to explain anything here. But I will
Everytime you leave the server, your data will be saved.(Inventory, equipments, position, health, level... etc)

The NPCs there is used to talk to them, obviousley.
You can take quest from them or sell/buy items.
Unlike tibia, they can walk and rotates on you while you talking to them.

You can find guards near each city. What hey basically do, is shooting mobs and keeping them away from the safe area.

You can find mobs everywhere on the map (Except safe area, duh)
The mobs, basically trying to attack you. You have to fight them to get rare items or train your level.

Bosses are different than mobs.
Firstly: They spawning very common and it is REALLY hard to kill them
Secondly: They've got rage attacks, while boss' hp is lower than 1/5 his HP
Thirdly: They've got a missilies attack, that is attacking EVERY player around him
Also they've got effects on spawning/dieing. Some of them have two forms.

Well, items. You can pick/drop/equip/eat them
Dropped items will also dissapear, so don't leave your wealth on the ground!
You can also acces your inventory/equipment, by pressing first server action.
To pick an item you have to press your drop key.

Pretty nice HUD, Hud includes:
Health bar, Exp bar, Thirst bar, Your level, Your experience, Your money, Buffs.
Also, all the CS2D hud are hidden.

While you joining first time on the server, the keyboard gonna pop up.
I made this, to prevent Lua Injections by names.
Also it can be understandable as "Registration" because a lot RPGs have screen keyboard.

You can choose your class while you joined the server first time, just right after you choose your character's name

Each of them have it's minuses/pluses

You can buy a house too, house is basically used to store your items, rest or train some skills.
But the best thing about houses, that is EVERYONE who ever joined the server can have his OWN house. But firstly, he have to buy it

To safe your items, you have to store them into a chest in your house.

What a RPG game without potions! So that's why I added a buff system.
There's five possible buffs: Thorns, Water walking, Swiftness, Ironskin and the buff that you won't get thirsty (Just don't know how to say it using one word)
Each of them can expire of course.

There's also thing like: "Item rarity" well, basically theres four levels of item rarity.
Items dropped by mobs or bought in shop is level 1.
Items that is dropped by bosses is level 2.
Items that is dropped by rare mobs is level 3.
Items that is get on event is level 4.
Why do we need it? Here ya go:
Items which is rarity level 2 will lay on ground for longer.
Items which is rarity level 3 will dissapear, but then it will be avaible at "junkyard"
Items which is rarity level 4 will dissapear only after an hour and after it's dissapeared this item will be avaible at "junkyard".

So I said something about it before.
The junk yard is: The shop, where Dissapeared items with rarity level 3 will be avaible in.

Note: Maybe It won't be implemented on offical release.
Summoning, ah!
Imageine that you're playing on Tibia server. You've met nice mob, and you want to tame it, but sad you can't...
In RPGx you can tame ANY mob that is common/usual.
What do you need:
1. Buy mechanism in summoning shop.
2. Get AI of the mob (using AI detector)
3. Go to summoning shop, and make your pet!
Pet will fight with you, and help you with healing/curing
But be aware: It can die

You can do a lot of item functions in same time!
say !bind to open bind menu
Example: Drink thorns, swiftness, ironskin potion, just by pressing F4
Example 2: Eat food on F4 press.

There also will be avaible crafting. So you can do smithing/cooking

There also will be avaible some skills!

Unlike tibia, RPGx won't include "infinity arrows".
Arrows for the bows, will be limited and purchasable :DD
You can also craft something like poisioned arrows, etc.

I don't think I need to explain anything here. But I will
Everytime you leave the server, your data will be saved.(Inventory, equipments, position, health, level... etc)
Yet that's all the features, you also can leave me some ideas.
Also I'm searching for spriter. Alistaire left me

Script is already 2557 lines
I think it will be ~5k lines while mod will be finished
I won't upload the mod when it will be finished, but I will upload it later! I promise!
I will host a 24/7 server with this mod, and will make weekly updates.
And of course... Screenshots!
(Click on image to view it in full size)
So tell me, what do you think about it? Also, I'm here for suggestions.
edited 3×, last 11.10.12 08:36:56 pm