
Block based STRANDED? :0
Stranded will be voxel-based, as far as I remember. Means, block based in simple language.

what the... I don't even ... just read the fucking dev blog please!
Sorry, I didn't read past the video link. But why should you care that there won't be enough memory for some people? Just make the game as high-end as possible.

But why should you care that there won't be enough memory for some people?
Because the game is supposed to be played, not looked at. If you want high def-stuff you should render your own cinematics. Stranded was never about having the best graphics that you can possibly achieve but rather having an extremely interesting gameplay. It is good and necessary that the gfx evolve of course, but that shouldn't be the main target for DC. And keep in mind that he is more of a programmer than a graphics guy.

Admin/mod comment
There's a PM sytem for personal messages. Use it /ohaz

I still want to make it work for as many people as possible and gameplay is always more important than graphics.
Great decision. I guess thats why me, and whole US love your games

Can you tell please are you planning to make charater creation screen and achievements?
I know its too early to discuss that, but maybe you already have it in mind, who knows

The different mapsizes option of Stranded II would fit well for low-end users.
After all, you could use several ways to load the maps for lower-end users. Procedural (Gradual, whatever) loading could be one.
What's the current memory use for an average map size with the voxel terrain system?
EDIT: Also, being myself working on something similar, I'd like to see if we can discuss a few things. If you have a steam account, go ahead and add me.
EDIT2: Oh, about the leaves problem.. check out how to make light colour change through windows in other Ogre3d software, as far as I know, the same principle can be applied quite easily. After all, they're recoloured shadows.
(Something like this)
edited 2×, last 23.09.12 01:36:14 pm
