I'm now currently making a map, it's a 100x100 awp_ map. I've got some buildings done, but the map is still unfinished. So I need some ideas of what kind of building I'm gonna add, I need 4 building ideas. Please post it here.
Should I change it to a cs_ map? It's too big for an AWP map and I don't want to make it smaller because I'll have to change the roads and the other blank properties.
@ hobo man445 & -tony316-: I'm not gonna add the church because I can't see a right tile on the tileset to be use on the church, although I'm gonna add the graveyard and the old damaged fort house. Also, the police department is the CT Spawn. I've already done some more buildings, I'm gonna show the new map export soon.
@ nagato: This is not an NPC map. If you want one, make it yourself.