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English Need For Speed 2D

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old Re: Need For Speed 2D

Deleted User

user oxytamine has written
user Infinite Rain has written
Yates is actually right all the time, and only stupid kids LIKE YOU hates him.

He is not. He behaves like you (== like a retard) and posts crap most of the time. That's why he'll never be a mod. Also, he does not need it. He is okay like that.
Haha, what Brazilian kid can know about retardness? Oh yeah, they know everything about it.

old Re: Need For Speed 2D

Reviewer Off Offline

user Zins has written
user Infinite Rain You are the only retarded guy here (and yates)

I don't make threads about what people think of weed and use the image for everything.

I must be smarter than you, so that makes you ridiculously retarded? Thought so.

The people that dislike me or clearly have something against me seem to be going off-topic on more threads than me, so why don't you just stop it and PM me so I blatantly ignore it and see you mad even more.

Thank you.

user Zins has written

I must see this pea pole.
edited 1×, last 07.09.12 09:31:52 pm

old Re: Need For Speed 2D

BANNED Off Offline

user Yates has written
user Zins has written
user Infinite Rain You are the only retarded guy here (and yates)

I don't make threads about what people think of weed and use the image for everything.

I must be smarter than you, so that makes you ridiculously retarded? Thought so.

No one knows everything to have it.

Thank you.

user Zins has written

I must see this pea pole.

Is that something you are interested in? No, that is false. I know far more than you, so that makes me smarter. You are very astute. Wow. I would not have known that about a human like you. I forgot to tell you that ou are welcome. If I say something nice to you, will you purchase the full version of Back Talk instead of using this limited free version? Let me try: Baby you're like a student and I'm like a math book, you solve all my problems! Now am I worth $1.99? Pretty please? Grow up and give up. Acting like a British faggot isn't changing anything at all.

old Re: Need For Speed 2D

Reviewer Off Offline

Fucking lost my shit. You made my night. Thank you, Sir.

So it's just an ugly map with a car hat-script? Or what? Hory sheet, daz' totally coal.

This thread's like 1 week old already. Makes me wonder why I haven't seen it before.
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