Looks very trustworthy. You should tell us more about your hosting, you know. Does anyone in support team (if that's not only you) speak decent English? I highly doubt since all the servers hosted by you are Turkish.
Looks very trustworthy. You should tell us more about your hosting, you know. Does anyone in support team (if that's not only you) speak decent English? I highly doubt since all the servers hosted by you are Turkish.
Thankx for this reply.İ can use the google translate perfect and i know same english i hope we not have problem language cause its simple work just about ftp and webpanel.(panel is eng)
Hosting game servers is not only about FTP and web-interface. One day you'll realize that translator tools are not really efficient way to help your customers. You'd better find somebody who speaks decent English to work for you.
Nearly 90% users of ICQ users are Russians, so ICQ will be the worst case for any international company. Oxy2D uses e-mail ticket system which is the best in this case, because everyone has e-mail.