
Just US must die ))-the best way

It's not the moderators who need more support, it's the community who should just stop being such assholes.
Thats Right Your Right.

Also, Jela331, your screenshot of the homepage seems legit.

OR you just don't post on the useless threads. You cry about their existence already, why even bother posting on them.
OH SHIT Your right..

I am sure that this has already been suggested, but would a second file archive be possible?

But sadly,we can't do anything right now.

Viva la Revolucion!
*EDIT, yeah. Shits like these.

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diablo 3 gold and better diablo 3 items while you are fighting will the boss, or you will be killed in several seconds. But I always condused by my poor diablo 3 items and the shortage of diablo 3 gold. Fortunately, one of my diablo 3 fighting friends told me a good place to buy diablo 3 gold at a very cheap price. There are uncountable diablo 3 gold for sale. I have checked it before. The price here is more cheaper than any other place. After that, you can also buy diablo 3 items here. I do hope my advice can help you to gain a better game experience! Go! Let go to enjoy it together!

I knew this day would come, I just saw it. Well, if no one is starting to do any better than... this. The Unreal Software community will fall, you guys better suck it up and start realizing that shit's gonna happen anytime soon. There's even server crashes lately and now the people here are all still joking about it... Anyways, I'm just gonna stick to this website for now. DC, take a look around and start creating a better system.

That's all.

This shit needs to stop. NOW.
Just 2 years ago when I came here US was really different. There were mature members who contributed to the community. Now most of them left and there's a handful of decent peeps here. Too bad.

Guys, I know the solution. Me for mod! No?..
Just 2 years ago when I came here US was really different. There were mature members who contributed to the community. Now most of them left and there's a handful of decent peeps here. Too bad.
Just 2 years ago when I came here US was really different. There were mature members who contributed to the community. Now most of them left and there's a handful of decent peeps here. Too bad.
You mean there was a lot unregistered people?

You can't even send him messages.
Poor retard.
One thing that definately contributed one hand to the popularity of the site and on the other hand to the number o absolute retards and assholes etc.etc.etc. was transpating the site to english. I'm sorry to say so, but even now the german part of the community is (in my opinion) a lot better behaved than the english part - gor whatever reason. I believe that either the moderators are not strict enough, or there is just too much work for too few moderators. Probably a mixture of both.
If the situation really pissed the shit out of DC, I believe he would really do something like a final move, such as closing down parts of the community (which I don't believe he would ever do, since that would be more than contra-productive for the popularity of the site).
Also, the site isn't just community - it is also (and also really supposed to mainly be) a site where DC shows off his projects (mainly games now); and the community was just built around these projects - because of these projects. DC would never just abandon CS2D, CC or even Stranded III. After having worked for so long on a project, you don't just give up, as anyone who has completed or is still working on a larger one should know.
edit: and I forgot the language problem - there are just much too many isers pretending that they can speak english even though they can't (so that no one can understand them), which cannot really be solved but is awfully anonying; even more so in the wiki, where everything should be written in an understandable type of fashion.
edited 1×, last 29.06.12 11:49:49 am

I'm sorry to say so, but even now the german part of the community is (in my opinion) a lot better behaved than the german part
I guess you mean english part. And I have to disagree, in the German part many kids are posting bullshit, too.

How many "favourite shit colour" threads have you seen in the german part?
How many absolute purposfully shit uploads do you know of on the german part?
There may now and again be someone with an abnormal amount of annoyingness, but nothing anywhere near to what we get in the english part.