
mut MU (megaupload) still closed

SOPA have Died bro there's no more SOPA ANYMORE!!!
mut MU (megaupload) still closed
mut MU (megaupload) still closed
but there's CISPA.

SOPA have Died bro there's no more SOPA ANYMORE!!!
mut MU (megaupload) still closed
mut MU (megaupload) still closed
but there's CISPA.
And that'll fail just like SOPA, PIPA, and any other anti-piracy crap.
2. Screw you red box!
3. If Media Fire were closed, thousands if not millions people world wide would get up, grab air soft guns, and start rioting
4. Yes this thread is off topic, kinda like that other one where it started with the Illuminati and ended with Tesla coils and bending physics... but that's why its funny
5. S.O.P.A. wasn't passed but they still shut down a lot of good sites... (BTJunkie, Mega upload, Lime wire, etc...)
6. Sony Vegas Pro 11 = 600$
I Don't F****** Think So

Now you have to register to download,and its not only mediafire -.-`
Yeah I've noticed a lot of media uploading websites doing that. Moreover they have restricted downloading to only the uploader.
I heard that the owner of MegaUpload+Sister Sites was reimbursed due to the number of people who lost their files.
Think about it, if a bank vault holds illegal items and it was detected, the entire bank doesn't shut down, only that illegal item is removed and the owner of that item is charged, not the bank.