
Don't listen to music when you sleep
When I go to bed I always hear a song from Metallica. Yesterday it was "Enter Sandman".
True story, I don't know why I get sleepy when I hear Metallica..

True story, I don't know why I get sleepy when I hear Metallica..
Only works for some people, I can't sleep with music turned on, even soothing music distracts me. Your a legend if you can sleep with hard rock songs turned on.
How I said, try to sleep earlier, in the most cases it helps.
- I just close my eyes and think about what i do on the next day. (; and then I fall asleep!
it works on me ;3
- Or just think about Hot girls :x
No. This won't work.. Or just think about Hot girls
Make exercise during the day, this will really help, also try listening soft music, reading books, anything tha makes you feel relaxed..
I can sleep by just closing my eyes and think about math.

Not smoking weed might help too.
I use weed as a substitute for sleeping pills, but only indicas. Sativas just make your sleep really trippy.

Don't exercise before bed, it's a bad idea. It causes your adrenal glands to start producing adrenalin and serotonin, these hormones will NOT make you sleep whatsoever. Try taking melatonin, I used to use it in highschool when I got overly stressed and couldn't sleep.
- Jack off
- Turn off lights to lowest sight
- Relax, stop thinking about today, tomorrow, yesterday. Whatever happens, happens. It's time to sleep.
- If all else fails, exhaust yourself and then lay in bed. Hopefully your brain can turn off by then.
it work's 90%
10%-Your brain will explode
If you are using your computer in late hours, F.lux, a monitor lighting regulating software, may help you. It works by turning your screen to a lower "color temperature" when it's dark outside. This makes you go to sleep earlier and also be more tired.

Do you have access to melatonin? It's a chemical and naturallly occurring hormone, if you can buy it in Korea (e.g. at a pharmacy or prescribed by a doctor), this may help you.
If you are using your computer in late hours, F.lux, a monitor lighting regulating software, may help you. It works by turning your screen to a lower "color temperature" when it's dark outside. This makes you go to sleep earlier and also be more tired.
If you are using your computer in late hours, F.lux, a monitor lighting regulating software, may help you. It works by turning your screen to a lower "color temperature" when it's dark outside. This makes you go to sleep earlier and also be more tired.
You are wrong. F.lux's effect makes you about to game all night. It puts the brightness down and changes the colors slightly, so the screen doesn't annoy your eyes.
What you want is a very very bright screen that tires your eyes, so they will close themselves... I surf Unrealsoftware at night to tire my eyes for example.
Dont think about it just calm down.. relax

Dont smoke weed
Read a book, until you get bored, then you can sleep.

Do you have access to melatonin? It's a chemical and naturallly occurring hormone, if you can buy it in Korea (e.g. at a pharmacy or prescribed by a doctor), this may help you.
If you are using your computer in late hours, F.lux, a monitor lighting regulating software, may help you. It works by turning your screen to a lower "color temperature" when it's dark outside. This makes you go to sleep earlier and also be more tired.
If you are using your computer in late hours, F.lux, a monitor lighting regulating software, may help you. It works by turning your screen to a lower "color temperature" when it's dark outside. This makes you go to sleep earlier and also be more tired.
You are wrong. F.lux's effect makes you about to game all night. It puts the brightness down and changes the colors slightly, so the screen doesn't annoy your eyes.
What you want is a very very bright screen that tires your eyes, so they will close themselves... I surf Unrealsoftware at night to tire my eyes for example.
To say that I am wrong is a claim that needs more evidence than personal anecdote, especially considering that comments and the programmers of f.lux themselves say that f.lux helps people get to sleep earlier.
Do you have such evidence? If yes, present it. If not, apologize.