In this distance player's can hear each other :
And in this distance player's can't hear each other :
Please if sombody can make this just post it here i really need it !
function radiusmsg(words, x, y, radiusx, radiusy) 	print(words) 	if not (radiusx and radiusy) then radiusx, radiusy = 128, 128 end 	local x1, y1, x2, y2 = x-radiusx, y-radiusy, x+radiusx, y+radiusy 	for _, v in ipairs(player(0, 'table')) do 		if player(v, 'x') >= x1 and player(v, 'x') <= x2 and player(v, 'y') >= y1 and player(v, 'y') <= y2 then 			msg2(v,words) 		end 	end 	return 1 end addhook("say","rmsg") function rmsg(id,txt) 	text = "©255255000"..player(id,"name").." : "..txt 	radiusmsg(text, player(id, 'x'), player(id, 'y'), radiusx, radiusy) 	return 1 end