Recently,when I visit servers, I see many servers using my scripts and sprites but they deleted my credits.
How should I react to these people?
Or should I just leave them alone because they always chose to ban me at the end.
My advice: Don't add credits in the script. You released it, adding credits is cool, but no one wants to see a 1 minute message.
Stop being so egotistical (no flame), they are only scripts, and to be more specific: LUA scripts. They are extremely loose and not even worth putting your name on them.
1 to 3 lines of comment saying who the owner is--is good enough.
1 2 3
	Author: if // Have fun with this script!
You can't release a script and have it run on servers with your credits.
My advice: Don't add credits in the script. You released it, adding credits is cool, but no one wants to see a 1 minute message
Or the other option, DON'T UPLOAD IT.
If you really don't want people stealing your scripts, sprites or maps then just don't upload them. Whenever you are uploading such things you're pretty much taking the risk of people taking them.
Thing is, if you actually KNEW who they were, you could potentially sue them ( provided you are 'your own guardian', so, 18 years of age or older ). However, because this is the internet, we can't. These children who take things do not have a sense of law among themselves and see THEMSELVES as the law.
Also, really, where, if at all, did your scripts/sprites/whatever have 'copyright (c) [MAH_NAME] [DATE_OF_CREATION]' in them? If you did not display a correct copyright statement, the object that has been 'stolen' is public domain, and therefore usable by anyone for any purpose.
I must say that I protest against your reasoning. It's people like you that corrupt the software industry. The government is now reacting to the situation and passing laws.
Though I can't do anything to stop it, I can state my opinion at a small source.
32x32 sprites, or a few thousand lines of LUA--at least be happy people are even stealing it, not to mention even using it.
he responded to me by saying "ehh! I don't give a shit"
which really pissed me off.
What do you expect? If you're posting something publically which allows everybody to get hold of it then you're going to end up with comments and responses like that, and obviously people are going to steal them.
These children who take things do not have a sense of law
That's because there is no "law" on these things. People don't give a shit about the creator most of the time. I can easily join a ZPS server and nobody knows who the original creator of that script is because nobody fucking cares.
Don't cut out vital parts of my sentences, please. If he had displayed a copyright notice and he knew who they were, he COULD sue them. But, since he doesn't know who they are, he can't do shit. Hence why anonymity is a real pain in the rear-end.
@ MAX-russia:
And that would help HOW? The guy used it without getting permission. Won't do shit to make it read-only, especially since the rights change when they move from OS to OS.
If he had displayed a copyright notice and he knew who they were, he COULD sue them.
Would it really be worth the time? After all, it's just some stupid people who decided not to give credit to the original author who made the script.
My point was that this kind of stuff is always going to be stolen if you're allowing other people to take or use it. This kind of shit happens with anything that's released publically, whether it be a piece of art on a website or even a flash movie which gets stolen and placed up on Youtube.
My other point is that if you don't want your creations stolen then you shouldn't be uploading them for everybody else to use. You might be lucky to get a few credits on some servers just for making and distributing it but then you are going to get others which will not care and either credit themselves for it or not credit the original author.
It sucks, but then it's the risk authors are deciding to take. If you've spent so much time into the script and don't want it stolen then you shouldn't upload it in the first place.
This would be different if someone was very well known.
Wasn't the original author of ZPS called BlazingEyed? Far as I know, when I join any server which is using his script there are hardly any credits towards him nor do people care or know him.
I don't really give a shit about your point, the law is the law. Whether the law says murder is illegal or not people will still be murdered. This doesn't mean that murder should be legal and allowed.
This doesn't mean that murder should be legal and allowed.
And I never claimed that it should. The same way as I never claimed that "stealing files is a good thing and everybody on UnrealSoftware should be encouraged to do so!". All I said was that uploading files on UnrealSoftware is a risk, it might be stolen and it might not, along with telling the author not to upload more work if he doesn't want it stolen.
If the author feels he really has to sue or punish such people, then all I can say is that he'd be wasting his time.