CS2D General Suggestions for my new skinSuggestions for my new skin
19 replies 1
Majatek has written
you need to put some shading onto it so it doesn't look like a flat cardboard cuttout
That's my problem with this, on my old player skins, I have no any trouble on shadings even It sucks, but these things with multi-color stuff, I'm confused about how do I do the shadings. The image:
edited 1×, last 20.10.11 02:49:51 pm
Just use the colours you have but first put them in the middle. Then add the same colours darker bit by bit on the edges.
If you still don't get it, then I'll edit it by myself and send it to ya.
DevGru has written
Oh wait, I got it! shadings, and use the same color but with the different contrast for the camo, lighter and darker.
Thank you for repeating what everyone just said. Derp.
c:Arquivos de progamas/Counter-Strike 2D/gfx/player/ct1
Just add shading on he's Arms
edited 6×, last 22.10.11 04:34:07 am
So you can do the shading using an overlying layer with transparency.
Much better than doing it pixel by pixel
Alistaire has written
Done! Here is it, shaded.
Thanks man! Lol joking.
Thanks for doing that part, don't worry I'm gonna give you credits when I released this.
@ Davi_Yamashita: Stop spamming!
0a has written
Can't you just upload something made by ONLY YOU?
Umm... I have some, look at my profile.