Thanks for the models Psytechnic, I like most of them, I'm still trying to figure out a unused ID# though.

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High detail with high poly count models (Anaconda) | 16.13% (10) | |
High detail models through texturing (Drum) | 66.13% (41) | |
Low detail with high poly count models (Jerry Can) | 6.45% (4) | |
Low detail models through texturing (Paper) | 11.29% (7) |
62 votes cast
Thanks for the models Psytechnic, I like most of them, I'm still trying to figure out a unused ID# though.
Indiana266 has written
See the thread in news about downtime.
Thanks for the models Psytechnic, I like most of them, I'm still trying to figure out a unused ID# though.
Thanks for the models Psytechnic, I like most of them, I'm still trying to figure out a unused ID# though.
Best way to find out is have a look in your game.inf file for your max limit then open my mod viewer and go to the respective table (item, object or unit) and click the "ID" column to sorth them numerically... Any ID that's not already in use will do.
DontKnowToScript has written
Oh no,you can use it! Sorry, you can do everything with it. Want me to add a readme to the ZIP? And yea, i didnt use anything that DC made-i made a simple texture and model.
Ah cool. Well, what I'll do is download it, repackage it with a b3d conversion and re-post, all credits to you of course.
Psytechnic has written
... but at the moment, someone just sent me a CPU killer, but after a lengthy battle, I kept it out of the MBR at cost to my OS, but that means I've had to completely reinstall... So modelling is gonna be on hold for a while... Some people on the net are so nice...
Psytechnic has written
I've compiled the current collection of models into a small pack that contains the B3d files, textures, some icons and readmes (which contain the information about what textures the models use). I've uploaded it to the UnrealSoftware file archive to make it easier for people to download.
Here's the link:
and I've put it on the first post too.
Here's the link:
and I've put it on the first post too.
So, sorry, but things are a little delayed. I have lost all the tesselation sets I was using, so now models are taking a long time.
Psytechnic has written
Ah cool. Well, what I'll do is download it, repackage it with a b3d conversion and re-post, all credits to you of course.
DontKnowToScript has written
Oh no,you can use it! Sorry, you can do everything with it. Want me to add a readme to the ZIP? And yea, i didnt use anything that DC made-i made a simple texture and model.
Ah cool. Well, what I'll do is download it, repackage it with a b3d conversion and re-post, all credits to you of course.
Okey Dokey,thanks.

Something like this:
edited 1×, last 07.12.10 03:04:37 am
I don't want to go into details, but I'm still quite ill and it's gonna take me some time to come back to full strength, but until I do, all projects are on hold.
Sorry guys. Another day in the drama of my life...

RazorBlade9 has written
Hey Psytechnic it was me that wanted the teddy bear
Item is made and available for download. Tell me what you think

But from what i can see, these models are just AWESOME!

Joaopcvcastro has written
I don't play Stranded II because i die in the firsts 10 minutes, i don't know where to find water T.T
But from what i can see, these models are just AWESOME!
But from what i can see, these models are just AWESOME!
Yep, you can get water from combining a stone with 30 leaves or you can find the rock formation on the hill with a spring on it. I'm glad you like my models. At the moment, I'm working on advancements to my mod viewer, but I should be back modelling soon.
Back on the modelling.
- Gingerbread House
- Gingerbread Man
- Chocolate Roll
I'm gonna post packs of 30 to stop flooding the thread with new models. Read about it on my first post.
edited 1×, last 08.03.11 09:39:00 am
- a large military style tent
- with windows like this
- open doorway... flaps over windows or door is ok as
long as don't hinder movement into out of tent.
- i like the support poles like in this picture but don't
need a cot:
Would you like me to do something like what your asking?
If so, I require images that I can see... for some reason, if you posted images I can't see them. Send them to me in a Pm.