
Give me whatever info you have, in terms of guides and actual data for latest version and I will produce a nice 10 page guide for newbies.
I already have my own 10+ page guide. But I am missing 1/2 the stuff I imagine (in terms of combos, strategies, etc)
edited 1×, last 08.09.12 09:54:55 pm
Changelog has written
-Fixed fishing rod (there were a few other things broken with it besides the IF statement)
-Added combinations for poison arrows with steel\iron arrows
-Grain + water = undistilled grain water
-Distill undistilled grain water in the distiller to get distilled grain water
-Sugar + water = sugarcane juice
-Find sugar in bamboo!
-Added combinations for fishing hooks from bone\branches\bark
-Alcohol! (unlocked at cooking skill 50) (
-Fill normal barrels with juices to ferment them into alcohol
-Make wine out of grape juice!
-Make rum out of sugarcane juice!
-Make wheat beer out of distilled grain water!
-Or, fill barrels with black powder! Yay, explosions.
-Soup pot, to make soup out of your misc food items!
-Soup pot unlocked at cooking 125
-Make unbalanced bowls of soup! (
-Bread becomes unlocked at cooking skill 25
-Cooking descriptions updated
-Take down distillers\grills after you've built them. (
-Glass making improved (no longer requires hammer)
-You can use a Shark's Liver to get the oil out of it
-Added "The Watchmaker"; a physical object for handling timers within maps
-Removed dozens of items to simplify forging
-Forge updated (
-Grill updated! (
-Lava forge fixed! (
-Animal spawning on:changeday removed.
-"Chef" bonus at cooking skill level 200! (All cooked foods restore slightly more health\hunger\thirst)
-Numerous other script optimizations
-Nearly all item descriptions edited to hint at the combinations possible. This should greatly help new players. If anything is still confusing when you're playing, send me a message about it or post in the forum.
-MM uses the new German source code, with some custom edits. This means it has built-in achievement support.
-New script keys, for alternate keys bound to Attack1 and Attack2.
-New script commands! get_use_xyz (detects where the player is looking), examine (for on:examine events), primary_attack1, primary_attack2, etc...
-Old MM achievements use the new achievement system.
-Added combinations for poison arrows with steel\iron arrows
-Grain + water = undistilled grain water
-Distill undistilled grain water in the distiller to get distilled grain water
-Sugar + water = sugarcane juice
-Find sugar in bamboo!
-Added combinations for fishing hooks from bone\branches\bark
-Alcohol! (unlocked at cooking skill 50) (

-Fill normal barrels with juices to ferment them into alcohol
-Make wine out of grape juice!
-Make rum out of sugarcane juice!
-Make wheat beer out of distilled grain water!
-Or, fill barrels with black powder! Yay, explosions.
-Soup pot, to make soup out of your misc food items!
-Soup pot unlocked at cooking 125
-Make unbalanced bowls of soup! (

-Bread becomes unlocked at cooking skill 25
-Cooking descriptions updated
-Take down distillers\grills after you've built them. (

-Glass making improved (no longer requires hammer)
-You can use a Shark's Liver to get the oil out of it
-Added "The Watchmaker"; a physical object for handling timers within maps
-Removed dozens of items to simplify forging
-Forge updated (

-Grill updated! (

-Lava forge fixed! (

-Animal spawning on:changeday removed.
-"Chef" bonus at cooking skill level 200! (All cooked foods restore slightly more health\hunger\thirst)
-Numerous other script optimizations
-Nearly all item descriptions edited to hint at the combinations possible. This should greatly help new players. If anything is still confusing when you're playing, send me a message about it or post in the forum.
-MM uses the new German source code, with some custom edits. This means it has built-in achievement support.
-New script keys, for alternate keys bound to Attack1 and Attack2.
-New script commands! get_use_xyz (detects where the player is looking), examine (for on:examine events), primary_attack1, primary_attack2, etc...
-Old MM achievements use the new achievement system.
NOTE: Clean install. This should work on Win7, as I'm using a different S2 exe. This is a self-contained version of MM. Simply extract the zip file, then run Massive_Mod.exe or one of the bat files. DO NOT EXTRACT IT OVER A STRANDED 2 INSTALLATION.
Post your bugs and such here. Whew.
gfx\bag.b3d(default.itemmodel in sys\game.inf)
EDIT: I think there might be something funky with the file u uploaded to the 2nd site. The one from filedropper seems to work.
edited 1×, last 28.08.11 06:23:18 am
I like the idea about the forge, but i dont understand it, can u explain it form me pls (here in the topic).
Massive Mod6 Mod1
Next up, is Massive Mod6 Mod2, which will include a more streamlined shovel.
Massive Mod6 Mod3 will include a whole bunch of gameplay changing tweaks that will change the way the game is played. If you like the way Massive Mod is right now, then don't download anything past Massive Mod6 Mod2.

As promised, I've begun modifying the new Massive Mod 6 files. This first mod is a preliminary mod that fixes a few minor grammatical issues. Future Massive Mod Mods will include gameplay balancing and tweaking modifications. If I'm not mistaken, this is the 6th Massive Mod that Builder2-0's released so far.
Massive Mod6 Mod1
Next up, is Massive Mod6 Mod2, which will include a more streamlined shovel.
Massive Mod6 Mod3 will include a whole bunch of gameplay changing tweaks that will change the way the game is played. If you like the way Massive Mod is right now, then don't download anything past Massive Mod6 Mod2.
Massive Mod6 Mod1
Next up, is Massive Mod6 Mod2, which will include a more streamlined shovel.
Massive Mod6 Mod3 will include a whole bunch of gameplay changing tweaks that will change the way the game is played. If you like the way Massive Mod is right now, then don't download anything past Massive Mod6 Mod2.
Sorry if this seems a bit rude, but I seem to have missed the post where Builder said you were allowed to re-mod his mod and release it yourself. Could you perhaps point this out to me?
Is pretty cool actually, suggestive of a flying dragon. I think it might be the eagle, but it sounds like a raptor when approaching.
Went into my camp, attacking me, had to get into my shelter.
Anyway, Massive Mod6 Mod2 includes a fix for an error in the keys.ini file, where two keys were switched in the original game.
And a note about Builder's original: I playtested the game to check out a few changes that I made and noticed a few things.
The critter spawnrate has dropped off massively. Good job, Builder2-0. It seems that you were quite successful in expanding the critter detection zone, so the game knows not to spawn more critters than it's supposed to.
The journal entries have been removed that explain how to do things like cook and forge. Though I know it must be a lot of work to mess with that stuff, and I'm sure that you're already aware of this, Builder2-0, but the lack of the journal entries makes it a little difficult for new players to get started. It took me a little while to figure out the new forging system. Once the player figures it out, though, it's definitely a lot simpler and less buggy than the old system.
Also, I'm liking the new cooking system as well. Much more streamlined and efficient. It was a little confusing at first, watching my food being placed on the grill as dough, then turning to bread once it was done. Despite that, it works much better than the old way.
The shovel fix is meant to make prospecting less of a useless time-waster. It doesn't use up food/water/fatigue to use, and just has you sit around for several game-days just to prospect anything. I wouldn't have changed it if it did more than that when you were waiting around, prospecting. Unfortunately, you don't use up any resources just standing around, so I simply changed the values to make the process of prospecting faster, without making the game less difficult.
Also, something that probably won't apply to alot of players: The .exe didn't work for me, so I used the exe from the original Stranded 2, then added in the .bat from the previous Massive Mod to run the mod correctly.
edited 36×, last 29.08.11 10:55:30 am

Also, I'm liking the new cooking system as well. Much more streamlined and efficient. It was a little confusing at first, watching my food being placed on the grill as dough, then turning to bread once it was done. Despite that, it works much better than the old way.
Also, something that probably won't apply to alot of players: The .exe didn't work for me, so I used the exe from the original Stranded 2, then added in the .bat from the previous Massive Mod to run the mod correctly.
Also, something that probably won't apply to alot of players: The .exe didn't work for me, so I used the exe from the original Stranded 2, then added in the .bat from the previous Massive Mod to run the mod correctly.
Well done. It's confusing because you're using the wrong exe. The latest version requires new commands that I put in the source code. More specifically, if you do not have the right exe, these features WILL NOT WORK:
-relies on getcolors(), getscale(), getmodel()
Without those commands, will show up with a default model (eg; for cooking items, it'll look like dough and bread). I don't think that coloring when items are being forged will work either.
Use Key\Making Steel:
-relies on get_use_xyz()
Both of these are pretty much useless now without that command.
Alternate Attack Keys:
-relies on primary_attack(), secondary_attack()
You won't be able to use the alternate attack keys.
Furthermore, the next version will make sprinting a source-code edit, and finish off adding in a new key to Examine things in the world. So those will be broken too. Although, I am actually amazed that it works at all. I would've thought that the game would be crashing left and right for you.
First, forge and grill improvements are great, no need to elaborate. As are all the other items added, together with the descriptions.
Second, please understand the following comes from a player who would like the game to be truly more demanding of logistics skills.
Further, BUT MOST IMPORTANT, although it would probably be a pain in the balls, I think you should consider crafting "notes" educating the player about real survival skills. This I know would be a painful task for a coder, but maybe you want to get volunteers and slowly amaze a library (which in time could become truly comprehensive) of survival tips that any map would use. Stranded II/MM would then become an educational game, which I think would be great and increase its exposure since, at least in part, that is precisely the reason many players find this game after googling "survival games."

1) I got a flying shark in my island (See my previous post). Not a problem really, pretty cool actually. I let it stay alive on purpose, since it makes my walking around that area nerve wrecking. I wish I knew how to tweak graphics I would make it a different animal, maybe a fire spitting dragon that only attacks at night and can fly over camp. A bug nonetheless.
2) MAPS:
Are you kidding me? I just discovered this. The way you have it I get the whole map of the island so easily, even on day one, and without having explored 5% of the island. This is utter crap. Unacceptable. In fact, when I first discovered the game one of the most entertaining endeavors was to figure out the map, by hand. I think you should tweak this and make it way more cumbersome. For example, you know how each map is divided in 16 squares, and each of those is in turn divided in 16 squares. I would make it that a player needs to get 256 pieces of the map to get a complete map. How?
Ordering a map will only give you one of those 256 squares. Just produce one while standing in a section of the island and you would get that square. Move, repeat, get a different square. So the big map becomes a puzzle. If done intelligently, it would grow continuously in the direction you plan to expand. So, to get a whole map it would be quite frustrating, yet, manageable since at the beginning you do not need the whole island -- you only need a small area to settle -- then you can slowly invade N, S, E, or W. Further, ideally the map should show the resources present in that square. Maybe it would cost something to make this notation. Then, you can have natives offering you chunks of the map, their areas, for a price of course. Lot of work? Maybe. (Perhaps you could soften the blow by having easy mode getting the whole map, medium getting one of the 16, and then hard 1 of the 256).
Related, I tried making an entry and it did not work properly - it showed only one character. Here, I would also suggest you allow for larger messages, at a cost. So where 20 characters message would cost X, a 50 characters would cost 2x, and a 100 characters 3x, etc. That way you give players the chance to write down a meaningful message and craft an interesting diary.
a) You went from the ridiculous quantity to the deserted island (hardest setting). Maybe you want to decrease the amount of resources you get from the critters, and let them be a bit more abundant they are atm.
*** If you could make "making a kill" a trigger for the closest hostile-wild animal to approach that point, that would be more realistic.
b) We get way too much slime/insects from bark. It makes it possible to survive on those. While it is a good safety net in the hard-setting, it is too much and can be exploited.
Wild fruit/trees should be made to either produce fruits more slowly, or, each fruit to contain less resources, or, each of the resources to bestow less benefit/more penalty. They should also perish after some time.
*** And by perishing I mean the tree/bush itself, not the actual resources. HOWEVER, you must seriously give some thoughts on instituting "perishing" as an integral part of the game. I saw another mod that already had a basic concept for this (well, for "food going bad"). I am not sure whether is good or bad since I quickly discovered yours and thats all I have been playing since then.
The thing is that once you discover a fruit tree you are set. If you discover 5 nearby, as I did in my hard-setting-island, then the game becomes a routine of endlessly harvesting, boring.
*** HAND-TORCHES: Before leaving the "perishing" topic, let me mention hand-torches. WAY TO EASY way to keep control over fire. As of now, once you get fire, with "1" branch and "1" second, you can carry a lighter for life. TOO EASY. You should make it more difficult, both, it should require more resources (i.e. barks, cotton, oil, etc), AND/OR maybe put a timer on the live of hand-torches?
a) Moreover: Coffee (a.k.t.m.a. red cocaine) Too powerful. I noticed you get more from the raw fruit than from the beans. I haven’t gotten to use the beans to make coffee (Can I?) -- I imagine eventually I can, and then I expect coffee bottle to give me even a larger boost than the raw fruit. But as of now, the raw fruit is way too powerful.
b) Further, I like the cacao fruit combo of positive(+hunger)+negative(-thirst) I strongly suggest you make most items to contain at least a positive and a negative.

1) Whatever happened to the compass?
2) How do I get to the “Watchmaker” and what is the purpose?
3) Can I get milk from sheep? How?

CRITICAL*** I would like to see my speed impacted by the weight of my sack, by my thirst/hunger/tiredness, etc
CRITICAL*** Cleaking 757 times to get a building is a deal killer. You must find ways to reduce this. If the hammering part cannot be changed without too much trouble (which I guess is the problem), then give us the chance to combine. So, 200 nails can become a box of 200 nails, 1 click. 50 leaves, a bunch of 50 leaves, 1 click. Etc
*** CRITICAL: Some, if not all, of the wild animals’ radius of roaming (but especially the hostile ones) should slowly increase as time goes by and until they die. Once they respawn, they start from 0 again, etc. Otherwise, all a player has to do is destroy the lion’s rock, or the raptors’ nest, etc, in the area they want to settle and then calmly build up. In the absence of danger, coupled with the need to grind, the game gets boring.
*** CRITICAL: ALL animals (and I would go as far as trees, at least fruit trees) should die after some time.
In terms of adding a new animal: I think the most efficient expenditure of time would be creating dog graphics because then you can easily tweak it into different types, i.e., foxes (attacks only chicken), wild dogs (attacks all farm animals), wolves (attacks everything, including player), and even a dog for the player (can follow him around to protect or can stay behind to protect camp). Each of course would have different speeds, strength, etc
a) Chicken (slower white kiwi that lays eggs) If you want to go to the next level: new building Chicken Coop, which requires continuous supply of grain and water, will allow the chickens to reproduce and protect them from wild animals (which should be made to attack them) and during storms (***storms should inflict damage both on animals and character/modified by traits/shelter/etc).
b) Pigs (faster pink sheep for meat and fat) If you want to go to the next level: new building Pig Pen, which requires continuous supply of any food and water, will allow the pigs to reproduce and protect them from wild animals and during storms.
c) Cows (larger white and black sheep), etc
I believe there should be an ultimate goal. Something as simple as a time limit (i.e. survive one year), or a race for score. In pure random islands, besides the score, this goal should take the form of getting a seaworthy vessel + supplies (and almost impossible task), but once achieved, game over, record your achievement (sort of like Civ’s with the space ship; and after accomplished the player can keep playing if he/she so wishes).
a) Moreover, another mode should be added (or better said, the tutorials should be improved), one in which the player gets assigned a ridiculous task at the onset, i.e., collect 20 barrels of water (in an island without any springs, ready-made water rocks, etc), kill 100 sharks, 100 lions, etc.
b) I would like to see more multiple islands maps. And I mean: one map with multiple islands; not a scenario of multiple single islands. Perhaps, you should create a handful of multiple islands maps. Give them names and have players try to achieve a better score by playing those islands. Then you create a standard. Players can compare with others, i.e., I achieved 1045 points in the Caribbean Archipelago and left it within 2 years VERSUS I achieved 2305 but it took me 10 years, etc.
While I am sure this is the section (suggestions) you least care about, and regardless of the suggestions above, I humbly suggest you move away from creating items (which I guess is not as difficult) and into other more complex tweaks, i.e., meteorology (sun moving east to west, ties, storms, flooding, temperature fluctuations, wind blowing/not, etc), a 5th bar = happiness (to make it a component of EVERYTHING), some sort of score keeping system in which every action/item/victory/failure commands a win/loss of points, and PLEASE personality traits, at the beginning of the game you get 2 sets of 10 traits each. One positive and one negative. For each negative you choose, you can also pick a positive. Each trait would then of course grant a pro/con.
MOST IMPORTANT, better AI for the natives. I am sure this is the longest shot. Forgive my ignorance if I am wrong.
At the very least, you have to agree these are much bigger challenges, and most likely to be the basis of Stranded III.
You need to work even more in descriptions. The game should be about making the most efficient use of resources and time, NOT, about learning how to play. Oh, and keep in mind the "real survival tips" peppered around every game...
*** ohh, shit is great, maybe we can use it as fertilizer?
***Sorry for long ass post. And again, great work***
edited 13×, last 30.08.11 01:03:04 am
Or do it just like Lion_Hearted did.
im trying to make nails and other metal items with soft iron and hammer near an anvil. it doesnt work.i combine them already many times, its still becoming a soft iron.
can you pls help me.

I think i have a bug here.
im trying to make nails and other metal items with soft iron and hammer near an anvil. it doesnt work.i combine them already many times, its still becoming a soft iron.
can you pls help me.
im trying to make nails and other metal items with soft iron and hammer near an anvil. it doesnt work.i combine them already many times, its still becoming a soft iron.
can you pls help me.
After combining the items and selecting what you want to make, you should see there soft iron on the anvil. Hit that with your hammer until it turns into the items. A bit more realistic, no?
}elseif ($spade_mode==4){ //prospect for underground spring 			$tmp1=random(1,20); 			process "Prospecting for underground springs",5000; 			if ($tmp1 == 1){ 				unlockbuilding 32; //<<<<Here 				jade 40; 				terrain getx("self"), getz("self"), 2, -0.2; 				create "object",1999,getx("self"),getz("self"); 				msg "Underground spring found!",4; 				msg "Build a water pump on it!",4; 				loop ("count",3){ 					event "iskill_mining","global"; 					event "iskill_dig","global"; 				}
Another bug I found is: when trying to remove the clay pot, the tent or the grate is removed. This bug I still can not solve.
If anyone has any suggestions please write. THX
PS: Note that I reduced the amount of chances to find the source, for obvious reasons: to find a groundwater source is not so hard to be a chance of 1 in 50.
I hope I have helped.

Can't run it. When I try I get the following:
gfx\bag.b3d(default.itemmodel in sys\game.inf)
EDIT: I think there might be something funky with the file u uploaded to the 2nd site. The one from filedropper seems to work.
gfx\bag.b3d(default.itemmodel in sys\game.inf)
EDIT: I think there might be something funky with the file u uploaded to the 2nd site. The one from filedropper seems to work.
I'll look into it. Might've been a corrupted upload.

Hey man, when i try to remove the grill or the clay pot, it is not removed, only the tent.
I like the idea about the forge, but i dont understand it, can u explain it form me pls (here in the topic).
I like the idea about the forge, but i dont understand it, can u explain it form me pls (here in the topic).
I'll fix the grill\tent\clay pot takedown asap.
Forge is simple. Put metal ore on forge fire. Wait for it to turn red. Pick it up to get workable metal. Stand near anvil. Combine workable metal with hammer. Hit the stuff that appears on the anvil with your hammer repeatedly.

As promised, I've begun modifying the new Massive Mod 6 files. This first mod is a preliminary mod that fixes a few minor grammatical issues. Future Massive Mod Mods will include gameplay balancing and tweaking modifications. If I'm not mistaken, this is the 6th Massive Mod that Builder2-0's released so far.
Next up, is Massive Mod6 Mod2, which will include a more streamlined shovel.
Massive Mod6 Mod3 will include a whole bunch of gameplay changing tweaks that will change the way the game is played. If you like the way Massive Mod is right now, then don't download anything past Massive Mod6 Mod2.
Next up, is Massive Mod6 Mod2, which will include a more streamlined shovel.
Massive Mod6 Mod3 will include a whole bunch of gameplay changing tweaks that will change the way the game is played. If you like the way Massive Mod is right now, then don't download anything past Massive Mod6 Mod2.
This is not Massive Mod 6th. I've been releasing versions of MM for close to... What, 4 years now?
As to your mods, I'd really prefer that you ask me for permission in PM's before you go and release them. Nothing annoys me more than receiving bug reports about patches that I didn't release.

Well, I have a flying shark in my island.
Is pretty cool actually, suggestive of a flying dragon. I think it might be the eagle, but it sounds like a raptor when approaching.
Went into my camp, attacking me, had to get into my shelter.
Is pretty cool actually, suggestive of a flying dragon. I think it might be the eagle, but it sounds like a raptor when approaching.
Went into my camp, attacking me, had to get into my shelter.
You attacked a shark, in water, while out of water, on hard mode, and thus released a Landshark. Eventually those will drop lit grenades and fire lasers. It's a WIP.

Well, it's not like I'm taking credit for his work. I'm just adding some input on what I think would polish up his work a little bit.
Then PM me what you want changed and I'll add it to the next version myself, if I think it fits with MM's design. And if I don't, I'll offer to include it as an OPTIONAL patch in the newest version. Either way, PM me your changes instead of just releasing them without asking. I'd much prefer that then having dozens of files floating at once.

And a note about Builder's original: I playtested the game to check out a few changes that I made and noticed a few things.
The critter spawnrate has dropped off massively. Good job, Builder2-0. It seems that you were quite successful in expanding the critter detection zone, so the game knows not to spawn more critters than it's supposed to.
The critter spawnrate has dropped off massively. Good job, Builder2-0. It seems that you were quite successful in expanding the critter detection zone, so the game knows not to spawn more critters than it's supposed to.
I did a few things actually. I expanded detection zones, I reduced the max amount of creatures spawned per spawn zone, and I made the chance to spawn a new creature random instead of certain.

The journal entries have been removed that explain how to do things like cook and forge. Though I know it must be a lot of work to mess with that stuff, and I'm sure that you're already aware of this, Builder2-0, but the lack of the journal entries makes it a little difficult for new players to get started. It took me a little while to figure out the new forging system. Once the player figures it out, though, it's definitely a lot simpler and less buggy than the old system.
The journal entries were removed because the entire system was redone for all of those. I haven't yet decided whether I want to add them back. I hope to get the process to the point where it is self-explanatory. I think that cooking already is.

Also, I'm liking the new cooking system as well. Much more streamlined and efficient. It was a little confusing at first, watching my food being placed on the grill as dough, then turning to bread once it was done. Despite that, it works much better than the old way.
This is because you're not using the correct exe-- food will not show up with the right model. The forge will have the same issue.

The shovel fix is meant to make prospecting less of a useless time-waster. It doesn't use up food/water/fatigue to use, and just has you sit around for several game-days just to prospect anything. I wouldn't have changed it if it did more than that when you were waiting around, prospecting. Unfortunately, you don't use up any resources just standing around, so I simply changed the values to make the process of prospecting faster, without making the game less difficult.
Technically, that's a bug.
Also, something that probably won't apply to alot of players: The .exe didn't work for me, so I used the exe from the original Stranded 2, then added in the .bat from the previous Massive Mod to run the mod correctly.
Why didn't the exe work? What was the error?

Ehem. You should put the whole file with updates in one link. Please?
Or do it just like Lion_Hearted did.
Or do it just like Lion_Hearted did.
It *is* in one link. It's one of the first replies on this page. Hell, the entire mod is self-contained with a custom exe. Just read the damn instructions I posted here:

I think i have a bug here.
im trying to make nails and other metal items with soft iron and hammer near an anvil. it doesnt work.i combine them already many times, its still becoming a soft iron.
can you pls help me.
im trying to make nails and other metal items with soft iron and hammer near an anvil. it doesnt work.i combine them already many times, its still becoming a soft iron.
can you pls help me.
Hit the iron with a hammer. I'll make this clearer in the next patch.

Has one more bug: when it finds a source of water under the earth (with shovel) the construction of the water pump is not released. So I modified the script (I ask the permission of modifiers) for that (in the "Itens_tools.txt")
That's not a bug. The construction is unlocked when you try to *use* the underwater spring.

Another bug I found is: when trying to remove the clay pot, the tent or the grate is removed. This bug I still can not solve.
If anyone has any suggestions please write. THX
If anyone has any suggestions please write. THX
That will be fixed relatively soon.

PS: Note that I reduced the amount of chances to find the source, for obvious reasons: to find a groundwater source is not so hard to be a chance of 1 in 50.
It's about gameplay balance.

First, forge and grill improvements are great, no need to elaborate. As are all the other items added, together with the descriptions.

Further, BUT MOST IMPORTANT, although it would probably be a pain in the balls, I think you should consider crafting "notes" educating the player about real survival skills. This I know would be a painful task for a coder, but maybe you want to get volunteers and slowly amaze a library (which in time could become truly comprehensive) of survival tips that any map would use. Stranded II/MM would then become an educational game, which I think would be great and increase its exposure since, at least in part, that is precisely the reason many players find this game after googling "survival games."
Things like that can be added after gameplay is concrete.

1) I got a flying shark in my island (See my previous post). Not a problem really, pretty cool actually. I let it stay alive on purpose, since it makes my walking around that area nerve wrecking. I wish I knew how to tweak graphics I would make it a different animal, maybe a fire spitting dragon that only attacks at night and can fly over camp. A bug nonetheless.
Actually, not a bug, if you were playing on hard mode and attacked a shark while standing out of water. LANDSHARK ENABLED.

2) MAPS:
Are you kidding me? I just discovered this. The way you have it I get the whole map of the island so easily, even on day one, and without having explored 5% of the island. This is utter crap. Unacceptable. In fact, when I first discovered the game one of the most entertaining endeavors was to figure out the map, by hand. I think you should tweak this and make it way more cumbersome. For example, you know how each map is divided in 16 squares, and each of those is in turn divided in 16 squares. I would make it that a player needs to get 256 pieces of the map to get a complete map. How?
Ordering a map will only give you one of those 256 squares. Just produce one while standing in a section of the island and you would get that square. Move, repeat, get a different square. So the big map becomes a puzzle. If done intelligently, it would grow continuously in the direction you plan to expand. So, to get a whole map it would be quite frustrating, yet, manageable since at the beginning you do not need the whole island -- you only need a small area to settle -- then you can slowly invade N, S, E, or W. Further, ideally the map should show the resources present in that square. Maybe it would cost something to make this notation. Then, you can have natives offering you chunks of the map, their areas, for a price of course. Lot of work? Maybe. (Perhaps you could soften the blow by having easy mode getting the whole map, medium getting one of the 16, and then hard 1 of the 256).
Are you kidding me? I just discovered this. The way you have it I get the whole map of the island so easily, even on day one, and without having explored 5% of the island. This is utter crap. Unacceptable. In fact, when I first discovered the game one of the most entertaining endeavors was to figure out the map, by hand. I think you should tweak this and make it way more cumbersome. For example, you know how each map is divided in 16 squares, and each of those is in turn divided in 16 squares. I would make it that a player needs to get 256 pieces of the map to get a complete map. How?
Ordering a map will only give you one of those 256 squares. Just produce one while standing in a section of the island and you would get that square. Move, repeat, get a different square. So the big map becomes a puzzle. If done intelligently, it would grow continuously in the direction you plan to expand. So, to get a whole map it would be quite frustrating, yet, manageable since at the beginning you do not need the whole island -- you only need a small area to settle -- then you can slowly invade N, S, E, or W. Further, ideally the map should show the resources present in that square. Maybe it would cost something to make this notation. Then, you can have natives offering you chunks of the map, their areas, for a price of course. Lot of work? Maybe. (Perhaps you could soften the blow by having easy mode getting the whole map, medium getting one of the 16, and then hard 1 of the 256).
Not just a lot of work, but it would require some crazy source code editing. Better would be to have the map fill in automatically as you explore.

Related, I tried making an entry and it did not work properly - it showed only one character. Here, I would also suggest you allow for larger messages, at a cost. So where 20 characters message would cost X, a 50 characters would cost 2x, and a 100 characters 3x, etc. That way you give players the chance to write down a meaningful message and craft an interesting diary.
Related, I tried making an entry and it did not work properly - it showed only one character. Here, I would also suggest you allow for larger messages, at a cost. So where 20 characters message would cost X, a 50 characters would cost 2x, and a 100 characters 3x, etc. That way you give players the chance to write down a meaningful message and craft an interesting diary.
Oddly enough, the diary *should* let you enter messages of any length. I'll look into it. And perhaps a source code edit to make the message entry window larger.

a) You went from the ridiculous quantity to the deserted island (hardest setting). Maybe you want to decrease the amount of resources you get from the critters, and let them be a bit more abundant they are atm.
a) You went from the ridiculous quantity to the deserted island (hardest setting). Maybe you want to decrease the amount of resources you get from the critters, and let them be a bit more abundant they are atm.
It was more about lag than gameplay, tbh.

*** If you could make "making a kill" a trigger for the closest hostile-wild animal to approach that point, that would be more realistic.

b) We get way too much slime/insects from bark. It makes it possible to survive on those. While it is a good safety net in the hard-setting, it is too much and can be exploited.
Possibly. Granted, even I use bark to survive on hard while I am getting my bearings.

Wild fruit/trees should be made to either produce fruits more slowly, or, each fruit to contain less resources, or, each of the resources to bestow less benefit/more penalty. They should also perish after some time.
*** And by perishing I mean the tree/bush itself, not the actual resources. HOWEVER, you must seriously give some thoughts on instituting "perishing" as an integral part of the game. I saw another mod that already had a basic concept for this (well, for "food going bad"). I am not sure whether is good or bad since I quickly discovered yours and thats all I have been playing since then.
The thing is that once you discover a fruit tree you are set. If you discover 5 nearby, as I did in my hard-setting-island, then the game becomes a routine of endlessly harvesting, boring.
Wild fruit/trees should be made to either produce fruits more slowly, or, each fruit to contain less resources, or, each of the resources to bestow less benefit/more penalty. They should also perish after some time.
*** And by perishing I mean the tree/bush itself, not the actual resources. HOWEVER, you must seriously give some thoughts on instituting "perishing" as an integral part of the game. I saw another mod that already had a basic concept for this (well, for "food going bad"). I am not sure whether is good or bad since I quickly discovered yours and thats all I have been playing since then.
The thing is that once you discover a fruit tree you are set. If you discover 5 nearby, as I did in my hard-setting-island, then the game becomes a routine of endlessly harvesting, boring.
I'll think about changes I could make to this.

*** HAND-TORCHES: Before leaving the "perishing" topic, let me mention hand-torches. WAY TO EASY way to keep control over fire. As of now, once you get fire, with "1" branch and "1" second, you can carry a lighter for life. TOO EASY. You should make it more difficult, both, it should require more resources (i.e. barks, cotton, oil, etc), AND/OR maybe put a timer on the live of hand-torches?
Yeah, this has been a bug for awhile.

a) Moreover: Coffee (a.k.t.m.a. red cocaine) Too powerful. I noticed you get more from the raw fruit than from the beans. I haven’t gotten to use the beans to make coffee (Can I?) -- I imagine eventually I can, and then I expect coffee bottle to give me even a larger boost than the raw fruit. But as of now, the raw fruit is way too powerful.
Good to know.

b) Further, I like the cacao fruit combo of positive(+hunger)+negative(-thirst) I strongly suggest you make most items to contain at least a positive and a negative.
I suspect that would be annoying. But if you want to deal with that sort of complexity, go play with the soup pot. It gets ridiculous.

1) Whatever happened to the compass?
Removed at start. You'll be able to build one soon.

2) How do I get to the “Watchmaker” and what is the purpose?
You don't. The Watchmaker is for mapmakers and to fix bugs with traveling across maps. It also solves problems related to when I implement sailing to other islands and back.

3) Can I get milk from sheep? How?
Yes. 'Use' a sheep when you're holding a bottle in your hand, off the top of my head.

CRITICAL*** I would like to see my speed impacted by the weight of my sack, by my thirst/hunger/tiredness, etc
Possibly a source code edit then.

CRITICAL*** Cleaking 757 times to get a building is a deal killer. You must find ways to reduce this. If the hammering part cannot be changed without too much trouble (which I guess is the problem), then give us the chance to combine. So, 200 nails can become a box of 200 nails, 1 click. 50 leaves, a bunch of 50 leaves, 1 click. Etc
Problem: If 200 nails becomes a box of 200 nails, suddenly I need to edit that building combination to only accept a box of 200 nails. Overall, this isn't something that I can change easily. I have an idea to fix it, and it'll be another source code edit.

*** CRITICAL: Some, if not all, of the wild animals’ radius of roaming (but especially the hostile ones) should slowly increase as time goes by and until they die. Once they respawn, they start from 0 again, etc. Otherwise, all a player has to do is destroy the lion’s rock, or the raptors’ nest, etc, in the area they want to settle and then calmly build up. In the absence of danger, coupled with the need to grind, the game gets boring.
*** CRITICAL: Some, if not all, of the wild animals’ radius of roaming (but especially the hostile ones) should slowly increase as time goes by and until they die. Once they respawn, they start from 0 again, etc. Otherwise, all a player has to do is destroy the lion’s rock, or the raptors’ nest, etc, in the area they want to settle and then calmly build up. In the absence of danger, coupled with the need to grind, the game gets boring.
They will be attracted to your camp.

*** CRITICAL: ALL animals (and I would go as far as trees, at least fruit trees) should die after some time.
That will be a bit hard to balance with the spawn rates.

In terms of adding a new animal: I think the most efficient expenditure of time would be creating dog graphics because then you can easily tweak it into different types, i.e., foxes (attacks only chicken), wild dogs (attacks all farm animals), wolves (attacks everything, including player), and even a dog for the player (can follow him around to protect or can stay behind to protect camp). Each of course would have different speeds, strength, etc
I can barely model, and I cannot animate. New units are unlikely without outside help donating resources.

a) Chicken (slower white kiwi that lays eggs) If you want to go to the next level: new building Chicken Coop, which requires continuous supply of grain and water, will allow the chickens to reproduce and protect them from wild animals (which should be made to attack them) and during storms (***storms should inflict damage both on animals and character/modified by traits/shelter/etc).
b) Pigs (faster pink sheep for meat and fat) If you want to go to the next level: new building Pig Pen, which requires continuous supply of any food and water, will allow the pigs to reproduce and protect them from wild animals and during storms.
c) Cows (larger white and black sheep), etc
a) Chicken (slower white kiwi that lays eggs) If you want to go to the next level: new building Chicken Coop, which requires continuous supply of grain and water, will allow the chickens to reproduce and protect them from wild animals (which should be made to attack them) and during storms (***storms should inflict damage both on animals and character/modified by traits/shelter/etc).
b) Pigs (faster pink sheep for meat and fat) If you want to go to the next level: new building Pig Pen, which requires continuous supply of any food and water, will allow the pigs to reproduce and protect them from wild animals and during storms.
c) Cows (larger white and black sheep), etc
See what I said above about models.

I believe there should be an ultimate goal. Something as simple as a time limit (i.e. survive one year), or a race for score. In pure random islands, besides the score, this goal should take the form of getting a seaworthy vessel + supplies (and almost impossible task), but once achieved, game over, record your achievement (sort of like Civ’s with the space ship; and after accomplished the player can keep playing if he/she so wishes).
I believe there should be an ultimate goal. Something as simple as a time limit (i.e. survive one year), or a race for score. In pure random islands, besides the score, this goal should take the form of getting a seaworthy vessel + supplies (and almost impossible task), but once achieved, game over, record your achievement (sort of like Civ’s with the space ship; and after accomplished the player can keep playing if he/she so wishes).
I have a multiple page file on my computer detailing the endgame goal. It's pretty much what you said.

a) Moreover, another mode should be added (or better said, the tutorials should be improved), one in which the player gets assigned a ridiculous task at the onset, i.e., collect 20 barrels of water (in an island without any springs, ready-made water rocks, etc), kill 100 sharks, 100 lions, etc.
Interesting idea, I like it.

) I would like to see more multiple islands maps. And I mean: one map with multiple islands; not a scenario of multiple single islands. Perhaps, you should create a handful of multiple islands maps. Give them names and have players try to achieve a better score by playing those islands. Then you create a standard. Players can compare with others, i.e., I achieved 1045 points in the Caribbean Archipelago and left it within 2 years VERSUS I achieved 2305 but it took me 10 years, etc.
Problem is that making maps is time-consuming. There are some MM maps, but they are half complete.

While I am sure this is the section (suggestions) you least care about, and regardless of the suggestions above, I humbly suggest you move away from creating items (which I guess is not as difficult) and into other more complex tweaks, i.e., meteorology (sun moving east to west, ties, storms, flooding, temperature fluctuations, wind blowing/not, etc), a 5th bar = happiness (to make it a component of EVERYTHING), some sort of score keeping system in which every action/item/victory/failure commands a win/loss of points, and PLEASE personality traits, at the beginning of the game you get 2 sets of 10 traits each. One positive and one negative. For each negative you choose, you can also pick a positive. Each trait would then of course grant a pro/con.
While I am sure this is the section (suggestions) you least care about, and regardless of the suggestions above, I humbly suggest you move away from creating items (which I guess is not as difficult) and into other more complex tweaks, i.e., meteorology (sun moving east to west, ties, storms, flooding, temperature fluctuations, wind blowing/not, etc), a 5th bar = happiness (to make it a component of EVERYTHING), some sort of score keeping system in which every action/item/victory/failure commands a win/loss of points, and PLEASE personality traits, at the beginning of the game you get 2 sets of 10 traits each. One positive and one negative. For each negative you choose, you can also pick a positive. Each trait would then of course grant a pro/con.
New bars are unlikely, but the main thing I work is actually new features. To be honest, most of MM isn't in "items". That's what separates it from other mods. Yeah, there are a lot of items, but the items were added to facilitate the new features. Some of what you said is already planned. Beyond that, I'll say no more. It's a surprise.

MOST IMPORTANT, better AI for the natives. I am sure this is the longest shot. Forgive my ignorance if I am wrong.

You need to work even more in descriptions. The game should be about making the most efficient use of resources and time, NOT, about learning how to play. Oh, and keep in mind the "real survival tips" peppered around every game...
You need to work even more in descriptions. The game should be about making the most efficient use of resources and time, NOT, about learning how to play. Oh, and keep in mind the "real survival tips" peppered around every game...
Feel free to write more indepth descriptions and I'll include them.
I'm not hopeful at all about there being a fix for this issue, though.
The game is somewhat broken without the new .exe, though. I can't press the use key on water prospected water rocks and get access to the water pump anymore. Oh yeah, as Builder2-0 said, the pick-up all key can't be used without the modifications to the source code.
I decided to redownload the file to see if it would change anything. Surprise, surprise, it did nothing. I tried using compatibility mode for Windows XP, and it only made the problem worse.
edited 1×, last 31.08.11 01:06:59 am

If you're curious about my exe issue, whenever I load up the game with the exe that was included with the massive mod file, the game loads up without error messages, but becomes totally unplayable. There's no splash screen upon loading, but you can simply click once and it'll load up the menu screen like it's supposed to. The first background island on the main menu screen has messed up, discolored trees. Also, the game freezes up for several seconds every few seconds, making it nearly impossible to click on any of the menu buttons, and most certainly makes it impossible to play. This consistently happens every time I load up the game with the included .exe file. Since the last Massive Mod release, I've been using the .exe file from the original Stranded 2 game in order to get the game to work right.
You're in luck. Another MM player had a similar problem and fixed it. Try updating your video drivers.

If you're curious about my exe issue, whenever I load up the game with the exe that was included with the massive mod file, the game loads up without error messages, but becomes totally unplayable. There's no splash screen upon loading, but you can simply click once and it'll load up the menu screen like it's supposed to. The first background island on the main menu screen has messed up, discolored trees. Also, the game freezes up for several seconds every few seconds, making it nearly impossible to click on any of the menu buttons, and most certainly makes it impossible to play. This consistently happens every time I load up the game with the included .exe file. Since the last Massive Mod release, I've been using the .exe file from the original Stranded 2 game in order to get the game to work right.
You're in luck. Another MM player had a similar problem and fixed it. Try updating your video drivers.
I suspected as much. My drivers are messed up though. Something about some remaining files in System32 messing up the installation of new driver software. I either need to find a tool to fix it, or do a full system format, and I'm not too keen on the prospect of spending a whole day on doing nothing but reinstalling, re-bookmarking, and reconfiguring my entire system. This one game is the only thing that doesn't work properly, and because of that, it doesn't quite warrant all of that time and effort just to fix a driver issue. Now, if you could point me in the right direction to a good driver uninstallation utility for an Nvidia Geforce 305m, that would be awesome.