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English Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

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old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

BANNED Off Offline

user Mechanolith has written
I know, i know.
There is already a thread for discussing God's existence, so i'll not be discussing lies here.

And btw, people forcing me to believe him is ONE of the facts that made me don't believe him.
The main reason is that the World is a big piece of s**t rotating with people killing each other in it. World self-destruction. God can exist, but i would love to hear or see him only 1 time.

Haha God exist i will prove your something now. It might be crazy but yeah

I belive more in extraterrestrial life than freaking god. God appeared on our planet, so he can not appear on another we cant be some kind of "magic" beings i dont belive to this. Another life or god think twice. The chance of another life in OUR system is over 100% in our galaxi is over 1000% and in whole space is 1000000000000000%. Now what is chance of god ? Its 50% in other words "maybe". We cant be only one living at this planet. I belived in god once too. ONCE, but now i dont. My parents belive in god and they wanted me to go the same way. I dont belive in him they just think i do. God is just a word that explains something we didnt explained yet. Now, we belive in god, becouse we dont know how did we came here how did we appear. We belive in him just to explain some stuff. It was over milions of years that we belived in him so from Explaintion it changed to religion.
edited 1×, last 27.08.11 08:33:56 am

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

User Off Offline

Christians are here to make the world laugh hard at their claims anyways, they are totally useless in any other way though.

Maybe I should visit a church for the first time in my entire life to see what they're talking about.

What I await from the priest?
Spoiler >

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

Moderator Off Offline

I found this genius banner on that site. Check it out.


Do some research about the ancient aliens theory. It might just fit you. Honestly.

Spoiler >
edited 1×, last 27.08.11 10:08:22 am

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

User Off Offline

This happens when someone extremly ignorant (typical hardcore christian chruch beliver whatever you call it) has safe search turned off and uses to find pictures of a game.
He'll find rule34, and the most rule34 i have seen for games was for portal.

Or he is one of the best trolls I have EVER seen.

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

User Off Offline

I think you are not Christian because what? What is the relation religion with a games? Why you hate Christ because only a games? I think portal 2 it's not a homosexual because I never heard that news from all my friends who play portal 2 ... Don't make valve and steam name become bad yow because your fake news, Valve and steam already have 1 big enemy so don't make them more get trouble man.. Just go away from US ...

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

Deleted User

Im Christian too,
But I dont think that portal is homosexual game O.o
They sell books? I tough true church must give books free
I think portal 2 is nice game and not homosexual
WTH Cats its from devil?!
edited 1×, last 27.08.11 01:39:00 pm

old Videogames are fiction


What I find disturbing is that that father is so amazingly over-protecting that he disallows the freedom of his children. They have no chance whatsoever to personally evolve as human beings with that kind of restrictions, honestly now. It's like guantanamo bay but instead it's a household. It's quite sad actually. I never thought Portal 2 would be that bad.

Afterall I haven't really got the chance to play it yet, due to the lack of interest in that game. I like the videos though, it's somehow a playful type of game but not in any way sexual. I cannot see any ***** nor do I see any ******* but that's clearly not what I'm looking for in a videogame honestly, so please excuse my somewhat obscene comment (I think swearing is allowed but I'll just censor it for the sake of being on the safe side of things) I still hope people understand also that videogames are not at all the reality it's more of a virtual environment than reality simply consider it all as entirely fictional, some people seem to have a problem with that I assume although I do not mind the clichés. Have a good day!

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

Night Till Death
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I wonder WHO is more retarted... Abe or his homosexual friend blabing about portal 2 being gay...

First off HOW can Portal 2 be gay if your most of the time surrounded by Female's ... Yeah portal 2 has Weathley,Atlas & some Male cores... But How exacly does it make the game & the children gay...

This man needs to see a doctor ASAP - If he sees dildoes instead of spikes,glory holes instead of portals & dildo guns instead of portaling devices he needs HELP...

He makes less sence that the meaning of life...

I bet his reaction when P-Body was hugging Atlas he was all like HOLEY DULEY a robot is hugging another robot... Quickly i must put this on some dum*as* website & tell everyone that it is gay so i can live on with my life as a troll ... Really? Portal 2 Gay?

If he thinks portal 2 is gay that what about Half-Life 2? He would shit bricks if he saw Half-Life 2 Episode 2 - When alyx gets gutted by a hunter... He would blab something about Half-Life 2 being a sexual game wich has an addon pack called Gmod that makes the game on only gay but EXTREME gay...

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

BANNED Off Offline

Gambler, Not This shit again. You will see in the end. Your so gonna go to hell for what you said there. God is real. and i can prove it. but please, don't, because im sick of explaining this to the same idiots who say there is no god.

old Re: Portal 2 is a homosexual recruitement tool?

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user Yates has written
@Everyone that doesn't want to read Eriks post. I summed it up.

I barely started reading it and got tired... thanks for the summary.

user Infinite Rain has written
MY mum forbids me playing everything that have:
Monsters, Magic, Lots of blood, zombies ETC
I think portal 2 its not magic becouse its future technalogy

Are you serious!?
I mean... this is awesome:
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