
Clan Leader:Frozen-Leonz
Total Members:1
Clan Website: www.frozenclan2d.forumid.net
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting.
Other Information:Still Need Members.
Country of Origin: Indonesia.
Clan Leader:k1ndza (Zurak)
Total Members: 10/20
Clan Website: www.3n.hostoi.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting.
Country of Origin: North/South America

- Mahmood
Clan Leader: turshu
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: www.moruk-clan.tk
Recruiting or not Recruiting: yes
Clan Leader: RedFrix & Peter
Total Members: 17
Clan Website: www.RoyalForces.co.cc
Recruiting or not Recruiting: depends in skills.
Other Information: 1 wins, 0 lose (we was rebuilding the clan), 9 servers currently, great admins, respectful members.

edited 2×, last 12.07.11 06:05:17 pm
Clan Tag(s): [FB]|Clan
Clan Leader: [FB]|Clan|LeAdEr|laurence
Total Members: 49
Clan Website: http://fbclan.forumn.net/
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes, i am recruiting
Country of Origin: Philipines
me will be the best clan in the game i will wide the clan in the whole CS2D :)))
edited 1×, last 06.08.11 11:30:11 pm
Clan Tag(s): awpºpr0g |
Clan Leader: Viper and Cursor
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: awp.pr0g website (still under construction)
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes, 2 more spots left
Country of Origin: United Kingdom + Germany
Additional Detail: awp.pr0g has re-opened. Anyone that wants to join can apply at the website and be expected to have a trial test to see their Awp talent.
Clan Leaders: [2D_BRO]Anubis & [2D_BRO]Dj_Lev
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: 2DBROthers.ucoz.ru
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting.
Country of Origin: Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia, Kazahstan, ...)
(sorry for my bad english)
All who want to be in our clan most know russian language, good skills into the game, mapping or scripting.
Clan Leader:SâKø
Total Members:INF (Members to Buy)
Clan Addres:www.xkafe.com
There are clan Purchase.
xDTeam # Clan ~

Clan Tag: MVL
Clan Leader: Cr4zysh0t, jack matador
Total Members: 2
Clan Website: http://clanmvl.blogspot.com/
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Country of Origin: Brazil

Clan Leader: [sL]Nyan cat
Total Members: 5-7
Clan Website: http://silend.forumth.com/
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruting
Country of Origin: Thailand,Vietnam
EDIT: Please don't add this clan into list. this clan is now dead.
edited 1×, last 17.04.12 10:16:25 am
Clan Leader: Baron`
Total Members: 11
Clan Website: imp-cs2d.tk
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruting
Country of Origin: International
edited 1×, last 23.07.11 07:13:04 pm
Clan Leader: WesT and Massey`
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: res-team.tk
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruting
Country of Origin: International
Clan Leader: cF» Sarkzz
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: http://coldfusion.forumtl.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Country of Origin: International
edited 1×, last 31.07.11 04:45:43 am
Clan Leader: 3mpty
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: http://www.xecutor.comlu.com
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Country of Origin: Argentina
Clan Leader: »{Ða®k}×Lø¡k«
Total Members: 38
Clan Website: http://www.drk2d.tk
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Country of Origin: USA

With friendly greetings