
Tho a part of me also wants to make some beta themed players & weapons just for the fun of it

OMFG 0.0 I found my old files 0.0 holy shit somehow it was all backed up on a random file in my users folder 0.o But yea im back in business >:D
edited 1×, last 16.05.11 04:40:07 am
i update+add some sprites... later i make more
edited 1×, last 17.05.11 05:11:00 pm
Death sprites will lag ingame ( & in coop they will REALLY lag)
Tentacles hard point to work on them...
No Barnacles (Instead im planning to use Panthereye or Big Bullsquid)
Hazard Icons for Players like Radioation,Toxic,Poison,Electric

Hazard Icons for Players like Radioation,Toxic,Poison,Electric

I admire everyone here for their work on creating this marvelous mod of HL2D, expect competition.

Night Till Death has written
Hazard Icons for Players like Radioation,Toxic,Poison,Electric

Basically the barnacle sprite is very transparent & overlays the player & other objects so its hard for the player to notice it. Under it there is a move trigger entity that once crossed will trap the player with 4-6 breakable invisible (transparent) walls.
The player can only get out by breaking one of the walls which in turn kills the barnacle & breaks the rest of the walls via triggers & also leaving a more visible barnacle sprite & some blood & gib sprites under it.
Once the player is trapped he will have 3 sec. before the barnacle starts dealing damage at 25 HP per sec. via a damage entity.
I'm also thinking about a way to limit the trap down to one tile space with out the use of lua. Tho I still need to play around with the concept to see if its viable.
Haz. Mat. HUD & sign pack

Also here are my old HECU T. team players that I found. The will simply have the arm edited to look like the other unshaded one I showed earlier.
T1 AKA Gas mask LD model

T2 AKA Recon. LD model

T3 AKA balaclava LD model

T4 AKA Cigar LD model

OP4 red pipe wrench for wrench

My WIP crowbar knife skin

WIP PCV+backpack armor for regular armor (fits perfectly on all models I just need to touch up on its aesthetic details)

edited 1×, last 18.05.11 08:47:28 pm

edited 1×, last 21.05.11 03:23:42 pm