I mean : For Example There empty menu and when is say !addslot then slot is added to menu.
Help plz
addhook("serveraction" , "sa") function sa(id,action) 	if action==1 then 	menu(id,"Menu Name!!,Name of slot¹,Name of slot²") 	end end
my_menu = "Title" -- global declaration -- assuming that you have totable/string.split -- Menu builder addhook("say", "menu_cmds") function menu_cmds(id, txt) 	txt = txt:split() 	if txt[1] == "!addslot" then 		my_menu = my_menu .. "," .. txt:sub(#"!addslot") 	elseif txt[1] == "!showmenu" then 		menu(id, my_menu) 	end end
addhook("menu", "menu_handler") function menu_handler(id, title, sel) 	if title ~= "Title" then return end 	-- Get the table of the selections, remember that they are delimited by commas 	local m = my_menu:split(",") 	-- m = {"Title", ...} <- plus 1 offset to selection 	local selection = m[sel+1] 	-- selection contains the text of the selection 	... <- your own code here end
--Change 		my_menu = my_menu .. "," .. txt:sub(#"!addslot") -- To 		my_menu = my_menu .. "," .. txt:sub(#"!addslot"):split(",")[1]
TITLE = "Votemap" my_menu = title.."@b" -- or whatever the large one is -- assuming that you have totable/string.split maps = {} -- Menu builder addhook("say", "menu_cmds") function menu_cmds(id, txt) 	txt = txt:split() 	if txt[1] == "!addmap" then 		my_menu = my_menu .. "," .. txt:sub(#"!addslot") 	elseif txt[1] == "!votemap" then 		menu(id, my_menu) 	elseif txt[1] == "!tally" then 		local max = -1 		local target_map = "" 		for map,votes in pairs(maps) do 			if votes>max then 				max = votes 				target_map = map 			end 		end 		msg("Changing map to "..target_map) 		parse("map "..target_map) 		-- You can also make your script more secure 		-- parse("map "..target_map:split(";")[1]) 	end end addhook("menu", "menu_handler") function menu_handler(id, title, sel) 	if title ~= TITLE then return end 	local m = my_menu:split(",") 	local map = m[sel+1] 	if not maps[map] then maps[map] = 0 end 	maps[map] = maps[map] + 1 end
function string.split(t, b) 	local cmd = {} 	local match = "[^%s]+" 	if b then 		match = "%w+" 	end 	if type(b) == "string" then match = "[^"..b.."]+" end 	if not t then return invalid() end 	for word in string.gmatch(t, match) do 		table.insert(cmd, word) 	end 	return cmd end totable = string.split