CS2D General FN_Linkin Park InterviewPoll
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5/5 | 23.68% (9) | |
4/5 | 13.16% (5) | |
3/5 | 5.26% (2) | |
2/5 | 5.26% (2) | |
1/5 | 2.63% (1) | |
0/5 | 31.58% (12) | |
N/A | 18.42% (7) |
38 votes cast
AnonymousSh0t has written
Very possible, many is depressed and it could affects ratings.... you should've kept this interview and made improvements on it before releasing it also. But it's too late to apologize now apparently, but soon or later we'll get over it by time. It also depends how hard the depression has hit us. So yeah, bad timing man. Don't worry though, you can continue writing later. Maybe today is a bad time to post this considering the Tsunami/Earthquake in Japan.......... Yates, chill out dude.
KimKat7 has written
Don't worry though, you can continue writing later.
Don't do this, AnonymousSh0t, I beg you.
At first you were a bit constructive with your comments, but this is REALLY annoying, you just rate skins bad, and use sarcasm to try making funny, rating Mane22's files great and great skinners's files bad is just stupid. Sarcasm is not funny, it's totally USELESS and STUPID.
Btw, i am not depressed with Japan's situation, it's sad to see people dye of course, but while they show this, there is much happening "outside" too. And much more to happen, i worry.
Joaopcvcastro has written
Sarcasm is not funny, it's totally USELESS and STUPID.
Well.. some of it is funny.
Stop making interviews. Really. Instead you should first learn basic english and how to order your questions. It's a fatal combination.
Joaopcvcastro has written
At first you were a bit constructive with your comments, but this is REALLY annoying, you just rate skins bad, and use sarcasm to try making funny, rating Mane22's files great and great skinners's files bad is just stupid. Sarcasm is not funny, it's totally USELESS and STUPID.
At first you were a bit constructive with your comments, but this is REALLY annoying, you just rate skins bad, and use sarcasm to try making funny, rating Mane22's files great and great skinners's files bad is just stupid. Sarcasm is not funny, it's totally USELESS and STUPID.
Tobey has written
oxytamine is just adjusting all the wrong/right comments to a balance. And he's right 99%. However, if you need reasons why oxytamine's suggesting like that I can tell you.
Stop making interviews. Really. Instead you should first learn basic english and how to order your questions. It's a fatal combination.
Stop making interviews. Really. Instead you should first learn basic english and how to order your questions. It's a fatal combination.
You, dear sir, have found the exact reason for which I always had to help ( apart from Lee's interview, I only had to do a bit for the interviewer, lol. ).
I'd love to help with the grammar as I know english well. If you don't got the same opinion about that then I'm fine with it. Can't do nothing about that, nor do I really have to help people as there is a translator on the web already which I doubt anony has been using. Good luck though with further interviews anony I'd love to view more.
KimKat7 has written
Can't do nothing about that,
Correction, anything about that
You are technically correct in the eye's of English-paper markers throughout the world, however it is informally acceptable if used in the correct tense and sentence. Which KimKat did. It's kind of like the sentence:
By order of thine king, thou shalt be executed by a man of thine country, by means of tetrilate hanging.
My english isn't perfect, and i know only the basic grammar rules, so this is greek to me.
P.S.: @Yates, some could be funny, but @oxytamine uses it in almost every post of him, this is getting ridiculous, you can use sometimes, it's funny, but you at least should know the correct time to use it...
don't get it?
edited 1×, last 17.03.11 08:26:03 pm
Joaopcvcastro has written
At first you were a bit constructive with your comments, but this is REALLY annoying, you just rate skins bad, and use sarcasm to try making funny, rating Mane22's files great and great skinners's files bad is just stupid. Sarcasm is not funny, it's totally USELESS and STUPID.
At first you were a bit constructive with your comments, but this is REALLY annoying, you just rate skins bad, and use sarcasm to try making funny, rating Mane22's files great and great skinners's files bad is just stupid. Sarcasm is not funny, it's totally USELESS and STUPID.
It was not sarcasm, his interviews are boring and useless. Also, I do not use sarcasm so much, it depends on how much clever you are to understand if my comment is sarcastic or not.
AnonymousSh0t has written
You wasted a few valuable minutes of your life.
You have just lost a few minutes while you could smoke some crack. Good luck.
Joaopcvcastro has written
oxytamine uses it in almost every post of him, this is getting ridiculous, you can use sometimes, it's funny, but you at least should know the correct time to use it...
You just can't receive the real truth, so your brain decides that my comment is sarcastic. But it's not. Nuff said.
edited 1×, last 17.03.11 08:25:43 pm
DannyDeth has written
I agree somewhat but it wouldn't be something I really would do, sorry for the confusion there. I take things literally, haha. But yeah words can form the meanest of phrases. I'm very sorry about that since I can't do nothing about that. @Anony:
You are technically correct in the eye's of English-paper markers throughout the world, however it is informally acceptable if used in the correct tense and sentence. Which KimKat did. It's kind of like the sentence:
By order of thine king, thou shalt be executed by a man of thine country, by means of tetrilate hanging.
You are technically correct in the eye's of English-paper markers throughout the world, however it is informally acceptable if used in the correct tense and sentence. Which KimKat did. It's kind of like the sentence:
By order of thine king, thou shalt be executed by a man of thine country, by means of tetrilate hanging.
As it truly indicates that words is not to be played with, at least not in this case.
I deeply regret if someone was indeed hanged but nor would I have the power to have one hanged therefor, so it wouldn't make sense anyway. You should simply consider it as criticism, hopefully you do. I have obviously or probably gone to far on my comments, so my bad. I apologize.
DannyDeth, you made my day.
Indeed this interview is lacking in structure, so what I'm trying to imply is that you need to improve anony. You do make good interviews but they are lacking grammar.
I can't do anything about that= You can do something about that.
AnonymousSh0t has written
I can't do nothing about that= You can do something about that but not nothing.
I can't do anything about that= You can do something about that.
I can't do anything about that= You can do something about that.
Learn english, you, clown. It's incorrect. If you can't do anything about it, you can't do anything about it, that means that you are really doin' fuckin' nothing about it! Asshole, you made me rage on you! You fuckin' can't say "can't do nothing", it's mo'fuckin' incorrect, you hear me? It's incorrect, damn you! Damn, damn, damn!
edited 2×, last 18.03.11 12:17:20 pm
AnonymousSh0t has written
I can't do nothing about that= You can do something about that but not nothing.
I can't do anything about that= You can do something about that.
I can't do anything about that= You can do something about that.
I can't do nothing about that: ( taken literally ) I can do something about that
I can't do anything about that: Well. That is correct, so I cannot correct it anymore