
what do u think?
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bullshit | 68.35% (149) | |
its totally true! | 2.75% (6) | |
maybe it can happen | 13.76% (30) | |
i dont know.. | 4.13% (9) | |
lol? | 11.01% (24) |
218 votes cast
Joaopcvcastro has written
Indeed. I personally think it's just total blackness, and you will resurrect(coming back to life of the biologically dead) as anything else. That's just what I think and I can't say with absolute certainty that I'm sure about it. But this has always been my ideology. Nah... i don't believe REALLY, but what is after the death? It's the curiosity of ALL humans...
Become "anything else"...
I don't believe totally in Jesus, as a human, i just can't believe in something invisible while the world is in war, with people dying in the floods at Brazil, in the war at Iraq... this is just IMPOSSIBLE

Consequently, i can't believe in Hell and Heaven too...
That's why what comes after death is so mysterious, if dead people could talk it would be much easier, lol.

P.S: I may have clicked just for teh lawlz >_> 8D.
just like in 2000 when the computers took over XD.

batlaizys has written
Yey no exams 

You made my night.

You think just because the Mayas They made a calendar with the date 21/12/2012 in the end Do you believe
at first they are seers THAT'S FANTASY
Nobody knows when and how the world will end it is impossible
Guitorres Mapper has written
For those who believe this, this is nonsense
The problem with that is, that nobody can prove that it really is nonsense, butit is not known to me that anything of he sort has been predicted by anyone.
on the 21/12/2012 a period of the Maya Calender ended, not the whole calender itsself.
That means that they fixed a certain point in time like we fixed the year 0 or the year 2000. Nothing happend in those years, just a change in the Calender, the beginning of a different calender or a new milllenium.
the movie 2012 is nasa's #1 inaccurate movie in votes.
has nothing to do with shit giong boom boom boom for no fucking reason.
- the new world order
- the Illuminati
- humans being sheep and pawn
- our destruction mislead by kings
- we are the new Babylon (america)
- salvation by jesus christ, 1,000 years without cruel sin
- rebuild our world in that time
- no more sheep, everyone has woken up.