
On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate this game
Only registered users are allowed to vote
As a one (Horrible, Shouldn't exist) | 12.40% (16) | |
As a two (Terrible) | 0.00% (0) | |
As a three (Very bad, waste of time) | 0.78% (1) | |
As a four (Not good) | 0.00% (0) | |
As a five (O.K.) | 6.98% (9) | |
As a six (Not bad) | 4.65% (6) | |
As a seven (Good) | 9.30% (12) | |
As an eight (Great!) | 10.85% (14) | |
As a nine (Awesome!) | 31.01% (40) | |
As a ten (The best game you've ever played) | 24.03% (31) |
129 votes cast
I cant even log in!

Fapicon has written
I`m created zm_toxic_house in Minecraft
Video coming soon

Creative or alpha?
Vibhor has written
Creative or alpha?
Fapicon has written
I`m created zm_toxic_house in Minecraft
Video coming soon

Creative or alpha?
i think you mean creative or survival dont want open either
And i figured what i cant log in a such shit moment.
I had nothing to do a whole day, and when my friends agreed to play minecraft, i was not able to log in :q
but 1 of them was able to play l4d, so day was not such shit at all

But I like beta. Now playing offline - singleplayer.
Didn't find any f*cking lapis lazuli
edited 1×, last 23.01.11 11:41:34 am
Or you could blow everything to shit with TNT and see if you can find Lapis Blocks

I can't run minecraft multiplayer/singleplayer in browser. I use Opera (newest) and when it switching applets, it say this error : org.lwjg.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated
I trying reinstall Java but it don't help. Please help me
When iam updating my nVidia Driver on it scaning my PC and it scanning like 50Minutes and nothing happen. Would anyone help me, Please ?

Even in classic.
and i like this part of's website:
So far 0 people have registered and 0 people bought the game.
Wriggle has written
That's because Opera is not designed for Large-scale Browser games
Oh, Very thanks for the help

3D driver = shit
Only laptop... but i cant play anything on my laptop.