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English [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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old [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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Hey, i wanted to bring back |jUSTiN|'s duck, crouch, and flashlight suggestion:


DC has written
I'm not going to add this in the first max release but it's possible that I'll add it with an update. Same counts for the flashlight I think.

The first max release was quite some time ago, and i was wondering what's going on.
This feature would make the gameplay so much better.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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I think its great, but it would need an option to turn off. In many maps and game modes it could get overly powered.
But then again, normal CS has it, so I guess it couldn't be too overpowered.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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What do you mean overpowered? Press Ctrl. to crouch up & down.

An option to turn it off? This is what pisses me off, you want everything customizable. CS:2D Max has enough options for you, if you don't like, go play old cs2d with TheKilledDeath.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

Admin On Online

it's hard to visualize in a top down shooter and it will probably confuse some players. I don't think that it is a good idea to add it. keeping the game simple - without crouching - is better.

still possible that this will be added some day - but it's pretty unimportant in my eyes.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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@DC crouching its not hard to visualize, for player to dont get confused, just make the sprite smaller when the player is crouching.Something like:

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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resizing the default player model isn't a good idea for it would require new models. The simplest option would be to add legs in a crouching position & movement.

While crouching n static the players left or right leg will be in front with the other leg behind the player sprite to give the top down impression of kneeling or crouching.

It would only require a new extra set of crouching legs instead of remaking all the player models

Just my 2 cents

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight


yo this is cs2d
crouching would introduce another dimension


seriously i think it's a bit too complicated.. especially for new players
but i wouldn't mind having it

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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-D1aMoNd_ has written
What do you mean overpowered? Press Ctrl. to crouch up & down.

An option to turn it off? This is what pisses me off, you want everything customizable. CS:2D Max has enough options for you, if you don't like, go play old cs2d with TheKilledDeath.

Oh you right I was stupid when I thought of this and thought if you are behind the obsticle you could still shoot them. Stupid me.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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it would drastically change gameplay indeed,
but would it change for the better or the worse?

consider that maps with obstacles would need to be drastically changed in order to fit the crouching system and be balanced, consider ways people can abuse this, and how would it work with grenades? will they still get flashed if i throw a grenade on top of the obstacle for example? there's alot of things to keep in mind before implementing something like this.

furthermore, this is CS 2 Dimensional.
I think it should stick to what its name implies.
play the real Counter-Strike if you want to duck/crouch;

don't get me wrong I like the idea, but DC should focus on fixing the left-over bugs/glitches and implementing neccesary stuff before adding these new features that will drastically change gameplay.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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Andre has written
and how would it work with grenades? will they still get flashed if i throw a grenade on top of the obstacle for example? there's alot of things to keep in mind before implementing something like this.

Two Players, PA and PB.
If PA is crouched behind a crate(obstacle), and PB throws a grenade, the grenade will go over the crate and cause damage to PA

If PB throws the grenade whilst crouched also, the grenade would rebound from the crate.

Do you understand?

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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-D1aMoNd_ has written
Andre has written
and how would it work with grenades? will they still get flashed if i throw a grenade on top of the obstacle for example? there's alot of things to keep in mind before implementing something like this.

Two Players, PA and PB.
If PA is crouched behind a crate(obstacle), and PB throws a grenade, the grenade will go over the crate and cause damage to PA

If PB throws the grenade whilst crouched also, the grenade would rebound from the crate.

Do you understand?

PB throws grenade on top of the obstacle, will it hit PA or not?

Do you understand the question?

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

Admin On Online

FN_Linkin Park has written
@DC crouching its not hard to visualize, for player to dont get confused, just make the sprite smaller when the player is crouching.Something like:

no, this is certainly no good solution. would be hard if not impossible to see the difference in the heat of a fight.
same for the ugly leg solution, which looks pretty ridiculous.

still the visualization is not my main point. it's simply confusing and kinda strange. I also agree to the 2D/3D point and the fact that many maps would need to be changed (at least if you introduce a new tile property - which would be even more confusing because you would have to try if crouching works or not. you wouldn't see it directly).

CS2D is currently not ready for such a big change and I doubt that it is a good change.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight

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DC has written
CS2D is currently not ready for such a big change and I doubt that it is a good change.

Fair enough, aslong as you fix some weapon damages & add a early spawn for round start, I'll be happy.

old Re: [SUGGESTION] Crouch & Flashlight


were50 has written
I think Andre means is if it lands on the obsticle.
If you know how CS2D works the flash grenade or HE grenade would still affect the player if thrown through or "inside of" the obstacle itself as long as the player is located on a tile nearby, -D1aMoNd_ was right about this no need to question him, (I think you have to test it with both 'curtailed explosions' options to see what I mean, it probably works with both options though), although you're just too unaware of how CS2D works, so I can't blame you.

Crouching... I like the idea and just as Dark Byte stated it wouldn't confuse players it would just be strange. Indeed the thing itself will be confusing at first although not for long as long as the players learn what crouching is. They will cope with it, just as all other things added to CS2D it's just a natural process we all experience sometime around whether we like it or not, that's called development but if you want to stay in the stone age please do, lol. At least I look forward to new implementations that will improve gameplay and make it more enjoyable.

About the flashlight that is already realised through Lua but a internal implementation of that in CS2D would be a great feature that will make CS2D resemble CS 1.6/CS:S alot more.

|iNjUST|'s crouching idea was and still is one of the best suggestions that has been suggested, I'd love to see it realised sometime in someday.
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