CS2D General No sound in Ubuntu 10.10No sound in Ubuntu 10.10
17 replies 1
try in unrealsoftware..the site is
thank you ..please add me
kabauxxx has written
did you download in ubuntu,,,,,??
try in unrealsoftware..the site is
thank you ..please add me
try in unrealsoftware..the site is
thank you ..please add me
I think that's the Windows download. If I run it via Wine, there'll probably be different issues that have even less of a chance of being helped with.
found problem as soon as upgrading to 10.10...... i cant find any excuses for my action to upgrade from karmic
if i add the windows exe file into the cs2d directory and run it using wine, it showed "exception access violation". i searched for solutions and found this, but the problem remains even after removing the sounddriver line
i'll try using virtual box (winxp) on the very same ubuntu to see if that problem still happens
"exception access violation" in virtual box using winxp, both in an used cs2d directory (the one i used in ubuntu) and in a brand-new directory extracted from official zip file
successful in entering the game when opengl is selected, using virtual box or wine, and sound WORKED
edited 1×, last 12.12.10 11:41:28 am
Is it just CS2D or global?
Try to change the driver under Settings -> Sound (try everthing out)
Couldn't get it to work by changing the sound settings
Make sure that when you start cs2d no other application is using sound (such as youtube, skype, etc), because otherwise they occupy the channel for the sound. Once you quit these kind of applications, restart cs2d and the sound will appear.
By the way, why are you running it through Wine? Theres a file for Linux... Try it and write it here, ok?
Banaan has written
Doesn't work for me... unless there are other applications using sound of which I don't know they're running
Do you run it through wine or not?
Banaan has written
No just the Linux binary
hm... did you try to run and restart cs2d ?
Banaan has written
Then i guess i cant help you, sorry.
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