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English Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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That is your 'localhost' IP that you can use to get access to any server's that are on your computer
If you want to hack a computer you need it's net-IP, not local IP's ( the IP your router asigned to you ). But seriously. Give it up Ultr4Fail. You have no chance

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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humer has written
Here U got my Ip Try it out but please dont disappoint me.

I hope that, for once he will succeed there

@DannyDeth: That's his whole point -_-.

Oh and @CoolioG: If your IQ is really that high, I'd have expected some understanding of sarcasm
Point is that you are actually one of the only people here taking this serious.

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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Lawl! I think that is just too classic not to laugh...

Omfg, my email has been blocked because i was spamming? bullshit. Bloddy microsoft.

Back on-topic:
Well, you never know what some peopel think Banaan. He could of been serious 0.0

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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Does he joke ? I dont think he will hack UnrealSoftware website because all the members, moderators and admin will defense it here. Ultr4Killer dont have any brain. But there is over 900 users and 1 enemy ( ) so Ultr4Killer got mad :). We will defense it here.

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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DannyDeth has written
That is your 'localhost' IP that you can use to get access to any server's that are on your computer
If you want to hack a computer you need it's net-IP, not local IP's ( the IP your router asigned to you ). But seriously. Give it up Ultr4Fail. You have no chance

Ah man u didnt get the joke.

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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DannyDeth has written
Lol, I think when he said that disclaimer.php was hard to hack, he was viewing the page source and couldn't make sense of the html tags

But seriously, the kid couldn't even use Lua, how the heck is he supposed to be able to hack a server?

If he failed at Lua, how the hell will he be able to get hold of C

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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Lol, that is what I was talking about
He sent me an email. The guy tried it out on and found it easy ( it is pretty easy ). He then tried it on and obviously failed miserably ( most forums use SQL instead of partially encrypted text-files ). So yeah, no point in worrying.

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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DannyDeth has written
Lol, I think when he said that disclaimer.php was hard to hack, he was viewing the page source and couldn't make sense of the html tags

But seriously, the kid couldn't even use Lua, how the heck is he supposed to be able to hack a server? Especially a server that one rents, say, per month/year because if the server is hacked, there are multiple other sites on it too. Plus he uses Windows, and that would be rather hard to hack from. It's not like NetCat can get you everywhere in life

Bottom-line: He has no concept of programming so therefore you might as well leave him alone because the chances and statistics are severely against him. Plus, once he hacks the server, wtf is he going to do?

EDIT: I decided to quickly make a user-bar for everyone to show what we think about Ultr4Killer's pathetic attempts to scare us:


The code is there to for anyone who feels it neccisary to put in in their siggies Like me

thanks for this; it will be a decorate for U.S. lol

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

User Off Offline

Lol. Thank you, im honored to be part of this community
I made another one because of a funny post i saw just now



That one i personally love

old Re: Message from ultr4killer your old friend

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I am sad... why didn't he want to hack me?
Awww man.
Now seriously, he wont do a SHIT!
Like I always say when something big happen over here:
Crazyx has written
"This is going to Unreal Software's book of history!"

Everyone, let's humiliate him! I have a plan, and may I'll create a simple website for it (like I created my
• Use this in your signature:
(inside IMG tags, of course)
• Spam the fuck out of his e-mail address.
• Register his e-mail in spam, porn, gay dating sites.
This kid's e-mail is > - Email address (only visible with login) - < - note it down!

DC, thanks a lot for sharing this with us!
We are going to defeat him (with my techniques above) without he doing anything.

I'm making everything I said above, really.
I am sacrificing myself that I'm visiting disgusting gay dating sites, that this kid will love.
>> Who's with me?!

--- Edit ---
I updated DannyDeath's image and added a solid border to it. The new link for it is this one (in case you don't like border use the link above):
edited 1×, last 25.11.10 06:00:22 pm
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