Lol, I think when he said that disclaimer.php was hard to hack, he was viewing the page source and couldn't make sense of the html tags
But seriously, the kid couldn't even use Lua, how the heck is he supposed to be able to hack a server? Especially a server that one rents, say, per month/year because if the server is hacked, there are multiple other sites on it too. Plus he uses Windows, and that would be rather hard to hack from. It's not like NetCat can get you everywhere in life
Bottom-line: He has no concept of programming so therefore you might as well leave him alone because the chances and statistics are severely against him. Plus, once he hacks the server, wtf is he going to do?
EDIT: I decided to quickly make a user-bar for everyone to show what we think about Ultr4Killer's pathetic attempts to scare us:
The code is there to for anyone who feels it neccisary to put in in their siggies
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