I really hate this primitive social system of human society that quite frankly is pathetic as the human race is clearly capable of comprehending & implementing a better system ... one with out a class/caste based hierarchy were people truly are equals.
We are most certainly capable of it at this level of intelligence so why the fuck do we continue to bend over & get fucked by a neo political corporate state that treats us as a material resource instead of people???
Fuck this isnt some conspiracy people shit these people flaunt their power openly & do as they please & all we do is beg to be left alone while this corrupt monetary system continues to screw us & future generations?
To hell with the Rockafeller's, the Morgans, the Rothschild's, the Warburg's, & many others >>
Seize their assets & throw their asses in jail for treason in whatever nations they may reside in as they have been slowly corrupting & controlling nation after nation since they took control of the US federal government in 1913. >>
& I conclude this portion of my rant with some words of wisdom with some quality political/social satire from the likes of Foamy & George Carlin among others
: Political Shifty : Foamy The Squirrel
George Carlin ~ The American Dream
George Carlin Doesn't vote & neither do I >>
Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 1 of 5)
Complete Original '07 Zeitgeist With 2010 Updates by: Peter Joseph
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guXirzknYYE FlooD GAME BANNED Offline
i kinda agree
i think it's best for someone to just nuke the entire planet Lee Moderator Offline
As long as the Soviets are trying to steal our body fluids anyways, I say we abandon all facade of peace and altruism and bomb the shit out of them so we can test once and for all whether M.A.D holds any ground. (Flood, please tell me you get the cultural reference, otherwise I'm just talking to myself like a crazy person o_O) Human society did this too.
btw: The Zeitgeist movie is often exaggerated. There are many things in this movie which just don't work in another way. Freedom cannot exist with equality in the same time. Freedom is freedom of actions, thoughts... In freedom someone is smarter, someone is faster. There is no equality if you want freedom. Russia is in good terms with most of the world. It has China and the rest of Asia on it's side (China has been getting rather powerful lately), Canada, Germany (has technical knowledges that makes it a fearsome opponent) and many others.
While America is alone, broke and waiting for someone to shit on it.
If a war broke out I would find it wise to join the soviets.
Spoiler If anyone tried to nuke Russia the world would explode.
It's disappointing that Romania has gotten into all this NASA crap.
One more reason for me to leave this country and go live somewhere in Asia. I would prefer being on US's side. Who knows if they develop stealth technology and laser satellites soon! Sorry. I'm just a sucker for technology. Admin/mod comment
Don't quote posts when they're directly above yours. /TheKilledDeath What you are syaing is that we should all be equal, correct? Well, so did the guy that thought up communism.
We are all slaves in one way or another. We have to work for this huge company and the big CEO is earning enough money to start his own independent country, while he is paying the guys that actually do the work squat, making us having to keep on working to live. So he can pay his fat wife/kids/self and not have to worry about people not showing up for work because if they don't they get fired and don't have enough money to support their family/themselves ( eventually they will start eating eachother ). We can never be truely free, the only time we are free is when we were little 5 year olds playing in the park with our parents chatting together and watching us so that we don't jump infront of a car because we didn't know whether we would end up as pancakes ( "like mommy said" ) or whether we would end up as roadkill-pancakes ( "like daddy said" ). And even then our parents controlled us
I actually have a strong hatred for all forms of authority ( not saying I hate DC and the Mods ). Government in South Africa especially. They spent huge amounts of money on thewse fkin stadiums and now they are standing empty, and are no longer bringing in any money. It costs over 2 BILLION Rand ( SA currency ) every year to maintain these fkin standiums and the biggest/best one is here in Cape Town, situated about 50 metres from the sea! And they could of actually used all of the fukin money, to build roads, help the poor ( there are a shit load here ), etc. The worst part is that our dumbass president Zuma, has about 99999999 wives and countless numbers of children, he actually DANCES to win votes, and he actulaly gets them! I mean, what a load of crap, when these african oke's are president,m they run the country as if it is their little kingdom. Frikken hell, I could break out the insults to describe our government. i hate globalism and maybe capitalism too.
if i could decide my country would be fully self-supporting
forget about bananas! they won't grow in the north! Phenixtri has written
I really hate this primitive social system of human society that quite frankly is pathetic as the human race is clearly capable of comprehending & implementing a better system ... one with out a class/caste based hierarchy were people truly are equals.
We are most certainly capable of it at this level of intelligence so why the fuck do we continue to bend over & get fucked by a neo political corporate state that treats us as a material resource instead of people???
FlooD has written
i think it's best for someone to just nuke the entire planet
I couldn't agree more and look at this!
Albert Einstein has written
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the the universe.
Albert Einstein has written
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Just so you people understand me my opinions are not based off of zeitgeist as that only server to further confirm my prior beliefs. All I need to understand that the system has been & is fundamentally flaud is a good look at unbiased & uncensored US history >>
A good example is the Pennsylvania Coal Miners Strike that is better described as a massacre >>
Coal strike of 1902, Anthracite coal fields Eastern Pennsylvania.
Lattimer massacre Hazleton, Pennsylvania,September 10, 1897
""Ludlow Massacre, Ludlow, Colorado on April 20, 1914""
for fucks sake they "Corporate pricks like J.P. Morgan for example" sent the National Guard to kill them 0.0 women & children included among the list of dead >>
If that dosent tell you something is seriously wrong than you are blind & or ignorant. FlooD GAME BANNED Offline
Lee has written
otherwise I'm just talking to myself like a crazy person o_O)
you usually are...
i dont understand.. is it a reference to the cold war? why even bring up the topic of the soviet union or communism ?
this is a thread about how human society in general is fucked least it is the way i see it in the contexts of events past & present and the future influenced by them Agree'd
These Days , Everyone Takes it Way to Serious , Even a Small Joke Can't Be Passed about without 50-100 people Screaming Something about it
Humanity is Already Fucked up , we Have Suckers Focusing on Money , Cash and all those Shit that's Useless to Human Evolution ,When we Entered the 21 Century , We had Never Even Bothered about Advancing Human Technology on Things that Expand the Human Knowledge , We are just Wasting time on Useless , Unneeded Crap , If we hadn't , We would of already Have Space Travel I agree society is pathetic
in fact humans are the scourge of this world
human being (civilized) there is more than 2000 years
and this time just screwed up
many believe that the human being to redeem himself
but he has not changed in the last 2000 years
why change now?:/
Poor Earth, sick, with humans! Let's commit mass suicide.
That would fix it. Personally I believe people are capable of creating a modern resource based society were everyone contributes to the advancement of humanity, were people are equals & there is no money to corrupt anyone since anyone would have access to the technologies & materials needed to do what they want.
For example I want to work on my Tesla coils & plasma reactor ideas I would be free to do so unhindered by limitations such as lack of funding or main stream scientists who are bound by thinking inside the box instead of expanding it >>
Anyone with similar ideas would be free to join in & vice versa
We as intellectual beings have advanced beyond the need for such trivial things as religious institutions, elitist governments, & a monetary system that only serves as a catalyst for conflict, corruption, & economic predatory social systems.
Instead of solving problems with useless laws & politicians solve them through the use of technology.
For example instead of handing out DUIs to drunk drivers install a safety mechanism with a pendulum in all cars that would detect excessive swerving of a drunk driver & automatically pull the car to the side of the road
Or better yet a car that can detect if the driver is intoxicated or under the influence of a substance that simply disconnect the cars starter before the driver can start it.
& I agree with Shanghaimi in that space travel is within our grasp & humanity is destined to expand into the universe.
This is literally necessary to the future survival of the human race as there is already more that 6 billion humans on earth & the planet con only sustain the species for so long
If anything it would be best for all the educated peoples of the world to band together in a international scientific community with near unlimited supply of material resources to accomplish 2 goals.
1) The development & implementation of any & all technologies that help sustain the human race of earth such as conservation of energy, renewable resources, & alternative power sources such as anti matter ( yes anti matter is very real & not just science fiction )
& 2) The development & implementation of all technologies to allow humans to explore & inhabit the universe & beyond.
Any idea no matter how far fetched would be considered & researched to its full potential.what was si fi 30 years ago has become science fact today so I say leave no stone unturned, research every conceivable possibility. Time has written
Let's commit mass suicide.
That would fix it.
Wrong Ideas , Cap'n , Wrong Ideas , i Doubt That Random , non-depressed People on the streets will be THAT willing to Simply Jump off a Building
I Agree Too much , Phenixtri , Materializers that use Nothing to Create Raw Materials and all that Stuff Could be Possible if the World Wasn't Too Focused on More Nuclear Fusion/Churchs/Weapons/Money/More of Something/Enforcing Something Beyond the Limit(Which Results in a Quick Collapse)/Digging Gold/Finding Islands/Building War Machinery , And None of the Goverment Officals Admits it , instead Saying "New (Something) , Better World"
And Before Anyone that is Siding with Perfecting what we have now Screams , Remember This : If we Focus on Perfecting What we have , Resources will Run out and Civil Wars , Goverment Overspending , Resource Wars , Nuclear Explosions , Wars for Scraps of Food , Fights for Mouthfuls of Water and Natural Enviroment Destruction Will Occur , Which leads to Suffering , Deaths , Depression and Mass Suicide , No one Wants that , Unless you are Some Depressed Sadist that Got Kicked out of the Goverment , Exiled and Want Revenge ManuCrazy has written
I agree society is pathetic
in fact humans are the scourge of this world
human being (civilized) there is more than 2000 years
and this time just screwed up
many believe that the human being to redeem himself
but he has not changed in the last 2000 years
why change now?:/
just to piss you off. human settled down about 10 thousand years ago because farming was invented. first village communities were formed