
Which browser you are using?
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IE (Internet Explorer) by Microsoft | 7.55% (8) | |
Firefox by Mozilla | 50.94% (54) | |
Opera by ??? | 10.38% (11) | |
Safari by Apple | 1.89% (2) | |
Chrome by Google | 27.36% (29) | |
Other | 1.89% (2) |
106 votes cast

its saying opera by ??

Zeroarcanus has written
hey, whats creator of opera?
its saying opera by ??

its saying opera by ??
I checked their site, I think it's by Opera Software

made in Finland has written
opera is not slow -.-
But FireFox is faster.

ActiveDragon has written
My compter is over 13 years old and I have no money to get a new one I'm still useing Windows XP
Somehow I can still run stuff. "ActiveDragon"

If you are running a computer that is older than 13 years ( made before 1997 ) then it won;t be able to use Xp, it will be so laggy you wouldn;t be able to open notepad without waiting an hour for your mouse to move. Plus back then a 256megabtye hard drive would cost like 350 dollars and a goat, so Xp wouldn;t be able to sit on that kinda tiny hard drive. Plus then the supercomputers only had like 500mb-1gb of ram so ur average computer had less than 100mb of ram. Xp uses more than that when it's twidling its thumbs. My XP computer here is using a full 132mb+ of ram as i am typing this, so ur little computer either isnt 13 years old or doesnt exist.
but i'm using chrome atm cuz it has better memory management.