Actually, there is no perfect OS. Maybe there will be one in the future.

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Windows | 70.49% (43) | |
Linux | 24.59% (15) | |
MacOs | 4.92% (3) |
61 votes cast
Actually, there is no perfect OS. Maybe there will be one in the future.
Westbeam has written
Maybe stealth is right.
Actually, there is no perfect OS. Maybe there will be one in the future.
Actually, there is no perfect OS. Maybe there will be one in the future.
Maybe LindowsOS X?

Dark Soul has written
Of course it's bloated.
A fresh installation takes up to 20 GB space. XP takes 5 GB or something. Not sure.
Besides, 7 needs much more RAM than XP.
A fresh installation takes up to 20 GB space. XP takes 5 GB or something. Not sure.
Besides, 7 needs much more RAM than XP.

It rocks because the Half-Life 2 In Mac OS X will be released =DDDD...

and all those who don't know what "open source" or "free software" means should visit Wikipedia, its more than being gratis.

The only bad thing of Linux is the Driver Support. ATIs Linux drivers e.g. are crap! (That's why the community developed one by themselves)
on the other hand Linux was the first 64bit compatible OS and supports a big variety of other architectures like ARM or PowerPC.
@ Gordon Freeman :
As far as I know there will be a Linux version soon.
Vibhor has written
@Danny deth with XP
no you are wrong
XP is the most used OS
I have friends who have never even heard of linux (niether did I earlier when I joined the forums)
no you are wrong
XP is the most used OS
I have friends who have never even heard of linux (niether did I earlier when I joined the forums)
Are you joking? How can you not know Linux, it's like the best! Linux is free, dude. That makes it atleast 3 points above Windows. But seriously, LinuxLove, IHatesGates, all those tings exsist for a reason, to free our computer world. OK, i made up the I-Hates-Gates thing, but come on! I come to think about it, Windows is more used, but only coz Microsoft used some dirty tricks to get there. Anyone remember Netscape Navigator? Know why it shut down? Coz Microsoft saw competition for cash, and quickly brought up IE, which, becuase Netscape had to be payed for, and IE just came free to all Windows users, it was removed from the browser list. So Bill Gates is a whacked little felle' after all! pm me if you wanna join the IHatesGates campain lol ( Just jokin' for those of you who might take me serious )
Linux does sounds good and user friendly but it sure aint famous
IE got famous because it came with windows and there are more internet newbs(the people who no nothing about a web browser) than pro(people who use different browser than IE)
You can always hate gates but the OS he made is good.
Vibhor has written
IE got famous because it came with windows and there are more internet newbs(the people who no nothing about a web browser) than pro(people who use different browser than IE6)
You can always hate gates but the OS he made is good.
Oss (Or what else is the plural of Os?) are just as good, as one believes.
And yet again the chart about the point of view of different users. (while internets_slang:
fag = 'individual')