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Englisch Is there another "Earth"?

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Is there another "Earth"?

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alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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Bloodshot hat geschrieben
Of course, if looking at it your way Psy, that would me there's an infinite amount of planets exactly like ours. Also, our universe would have ended an infinite amount of times. Of course it hasn't.

Well, one of the ideas of the infinite universe theory is that the universe has a start... and doesn't end... It simply expands and dissipates, much like... an explosion... or a big bang... In an infinite universe, there is no end.

Bloodshot hat geschrieben
If there were an infinite universe, than maybe the planets, stars, or anything else wouldn't appear as a percentage, but an occurrence. What to do with an infinite amount of empty space...

I'm amazed no ones considered the concept of fractal universes, where we are a more simpler version of the object we create, much like the structure of an atom being very similar to planetary orbital systems. Our entire universe could be a grain of sand in a beach somewhere.

Then again, this is what happens when you throw open a question without possibility of a conclusive answer, much like talking about religion.

Then again, the question was quite vague.

The question is, In OUR universe, with all the vastness, is there another planet "like Earth". Now does this mean life sustaining? Human sustaining? Geometrically similar? Identical?

As for Europa, recent documentaries report that it's equivalently as smooth as a snooker ball, has an under ocean beneath the surface layer of ice and a warm core. they believe that the green-red discolouration of the moon's "scars" are actually either trace residue of micro-organic life, or possibly trapped methane from bio-organic processes, both suggesting to life on another celestial body in our solar system. Maybe life is out there, and really, not that far away.

But on the topic of interesting moons. Saturn's moon, Titan is astonishingly similar in terms of geography, weather systems and atmosphere to the Earth, however, it's a complete chemical change. Titan rain is made from Methane and falls as slowly as snowflakes because of the density of the atmosphere. Yet, it has lakes, valleys and canyons. All kinds of features synonymous with what astronomers call "Earth-like".

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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i think alien is controlling us on an iTable, LOL.

can i ask what's outside the galaxy/universe? blank white space?

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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@Psytechnic: How I disprove the infinite universe theory:
If there is an infinite universe, there is an infinite amount of stars, galaxies, and planets. There are also an infinite amount of races living on these planets. An infinite amount of these races have built an infinite amount of super-weapons, powerful enough to destroy a planet, and an infinite amount of these super-weapons have been shot in the right way to impact us, thus destroying the Earth (ours) and infinite amount of times. Since we are still here, the theory is disproved. When using infinity, 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of a chance yields an infinite amount. Quod erat demonstrandum ■.

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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You've successfully proved that the Universe is not infinite in time. Which you would expect, being that we can calculate how old the universe is. This does not disprove idea that the spacial width of the universe either loops or is infinite. Time and space, although linked have not been proven to be the same thing.

So all those races and weapons may exist in the future. Hell, some of those weapons may be on their way to us now! The universe, although not old, may very well be infinite.

As for "seeing expansion", well this is just humans recognising that everything we can see is moving away from us. This doesn't mean we know where the edge is.

If it was easily proved that the universe wasn't infinite, then it wouldn't be a theory, would it?
1× editiert, zuletzt 12.05.10 11:51:03

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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Your Argument is Invalid

Do THEY , or what ever you are talking about , know that we humans are sittin' right here Screaming Invalid Stuff? think before that word comes out of your mouth

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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FD god hat geschrieben
Your Argument is Invalid


FD god hat geschrieben
Do THEY , or what ever you are talking about , know that we humans are sittin' right here Screaming Invalid Stuff? think before that word comes out of your mouth

This was my point about time. Although there MAY be infinite stars and infinite planets, there hasn't been an infinite time for life to evolve all over the universe. 13 billion years is barely a blink to the lifetime of the universe, so other life may spring up. We were lucky. Our planet sustains life because Saturn and Jupiter found a synchronous orbit early on and slingshotted us into an orbit closer to the sun, successfully making the "goldielocks" planet. Not too hot, not too cold. But that's in the blink of an eye, we got a lot more time yet.

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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If you're referring to me than you're wrong. I was just saying that in anything infinite (pointed out to need to be in time, too) an infinite number of everything would happen.

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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And you're correct in that, but that's like saying, If I place out 52 cards from a normal single deck, then every card has to be out. Very true, but what about if you were on the first card? Then the possibilities of which card comes next change a great deal. Every possibility may come to pass, but not right now and not to us, as we are merely passing along the scale of time, not even at the first card.

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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just one thing, about really really old "aliens" which "get enough time to make weapons"
i don't really think that's possible
they'd probably have the same problems as in earth(global worming.... ) then die
and btw, at a point of time( something like 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years or maybe less) the planet explodes; turns into a supernova; then implodes and turns into a black hole. So i think there won't be enough time to get to such a point in technology and find earth ect.
even if the technology of blahblahblah existed, wouldn't it be dang hard to know and find earth in the u n i v e r s e. The universe is infinite right? then probably that "planet" of "aliens" would too far.
Maybe they live in another dimension?(lol)

your infinite theory of time is 50% wrong bloodshot.

oh ya also, there's bacteria on mars, in probably 1000000000000000 or close years, there'd be another culture again. then maybe again.

Our knowledge about the universe is too small, we can't answer that, we'll just keep on making theory's again and again...

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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1, that's older than the universe. Much older. And we're talking infinite. so maybe 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of aliens fire cannons to destroy worlds randomly, and 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of those hit us. The first number times the second number times infinity is infinity, so if time were infinite, it would hit us infinite times.

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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BLoodshot, WTF!
i mean by 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 a long time of age. Thank you for helping me proving you wrong, if it's less, than there would be even less time for those "aliens" to hit/find/know about us.

oh ya, so you say that a civilized culture smart enough to create weapons in a very short time will shoot randomly into space destroying very important resources and trying to get a planet they don't even know about?

alt geschlossen look

flying liz zad
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maybe,it is ,but we are not scintists and if you will think about it,you will be so crazy as Crazyx.


Admin/Mod Kommentar

Don't behave like a moderator! It's our job to say when a thread needs to be closed! /TheKilledDeath

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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Mod hat geschrieben
i think alien is controlling us on an iTable, LOL.

can i ask what's outside the galaxy/universe? blank white space?

Impossible to know =/ Universe has no edge, and if it has.. no one can go that far here from Earth, no matter how hi-tech the technology is..

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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We may not now, but if we can overcome our need to dominate and manage to live long enough as a species to evolve, then maybe, in the future, we will be able to harness more of the fabric of the universe for our own purpose, which, IMO should be about the procreation of life across the universe. Scientists are already talking about the technology needed to form a star from a gas nebula. This is amazing stuff! Life itself may be designed to not only exist in the universe, but continue the perpetuation of the universe as well.

As for an edge, maybe the edge could be considered the furthest atom from the center. Nothing further except an empty vacuum. Or it could be that space loops around, in the same way that if we walk in a straight line on this planet, perpendicular to the horizon, we would eventually get back where we started, maybe this is also the case with the universe. I have heard both theories and have come to the conclusion that I simply cannot know the answer for sure. All I know is that humanity lives long enough, then maybe future generations will finally work it out.

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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flying liz zad hat geschrieben
maybe,it is ,but we are not scintists and if you will think about it,you will be so crazy as Crazyx.


First of all: why so many spaces? That, erm, stupid.
Second, why me? What the hell you want? I never gave you any friendly op pinions nor permission to refer me.

What do you guys think about "Big Bang vs. God"? LoL

alt Re: Is there another "Earth"?

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Crazyx hat geschrieben
What do you guys think about "Big Bang vs. God"? LoL

I dont know what to think because the big bang only explanins how the universe was created.
But how the big bang has been created?
Maybe there wasnt any 'creation' and we are just going trough a continous time paradox what created the universe then that universe created another. So there wasnt any start so there wont be any end.

lol sometimes i have such stupid theories
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