@ DC or any moder : I did a new Thread because not allways peoples look in the Lua Scripting thread , i know i should use that one but first don't close it , please.
The Script That it is in my mind it is called Insurgency Modern Combat Warfare.
Based on Insurgency Mod , anvalabile via steam.
If someone it is interested add me - Email address (only visible with login) - - Email address (only visible with login) -
xFire - ShaaaBaaaZz , skype katalyn_St3aua .
I need someone who can make a skin with less bugs , cause it need to be exactly.
This it is just a part of Lua that it is in my mind :
Counter Strike team it is called U.S. Marines it has 6 Classes with different Weapons and Equipment .
Some Classes are Rifleman , Famas or M4A1.
Engineer : M3 + Kevlar + Defuse Kit + Smoke Grenade .
And More , Again : If someone it's interrested about this , just Leave a rly and add my Contacts.