Hey guy ! can you help me make this script ! i realy need this script plz help me , if i know LUA Script i'll do that now ! but... i don't know LUA Script ! plz help me this. I have posted that in Topic "Luasciprt/question..." but nobody care and respont :(.
Can you help me make this script:
Name: Ghost Mode
Author: your nick name
Update: Day/Morth/Year
Server setting:
Gamemode: Standard (Plant C4)
FoW: no
Friendly Fire: no
Offline: No
Time per round: 5 min
Round limit: 13 round
Win limit: 13 round
Spawn money: 2000$
Server acction:
F2 = Special menu:
1) GR special weapon: (for CT only)
-a) Defeuse kit 7000$
-b)Kevlar + Helm 3500$
-c) Molotov Cocktail 5000$
-d) Laser Mine 5000$
-e) Flame thrower 14500$
-f) close
2) BL special weapon: (for T only)
-a) Flashbang 5000$
-b) Gasgrenade 13000$
-c) Mine 10000$
-d) Night Vision 3000$
-e) close
3) Close menu
CT: Can buy weapon in my menu weapon edit (not Classic menu)
-Primary weapons in menu 1: (use the $)
1) M4A1
2) AK-47
3) M249
4) Scout
5) AWP
6) SG550
7) XM1014
9) MP5
10) P90
11) Close
Next chose secondary weapons in menu 2: (Free)
=ALL Secondary weapon=
-> chose weapon done ! all players will have 4 grenade (1 HE,2 Flash ,1 smoke)
T: When the game started , all player will have a Stealth suit.
-Change character info to be:
+Hearth: 200
+Speed: 130%
+Armor: None
-T can buy weapons in menu : (Melee weapons only)
1) Machete: 5000 $
2) Wrench: 2000 $ (i want damage of this weapon more of Knife)
3) Chainsaw: 12000 $
ANOTHER of Terrorists:
-When T DEAD , nothing droped (C4 Drop only !)
-T canot pick any weapons. (can pick C4 only)
-T canot drop the Melee weapon. (can drop special weapon)
So ! that it , can you help me. Please i really really really..... Need this script ( Thank you so so so so so so so.................................. muchhh ! Admin/mod comment
'nobody care and respont' is not a justifiable reason to break the forum rules and start a new thread /Lee phihung940 has written
Hey guy ! can you help me make this script ! i realy need this script plz help me , if i know LUA Script i'll do that now ! but... i don't know LUA Script ! plz help me this. I have posted that in Topic "Luasciprt/question..." but nobody care and respont :(.
Not many people have died trying to learn Lua, why would you? If no one is making it for you, do it by yourself. Hey admirdee ! you don't see i write it hmm... ? "I have posted that in Topic "Luasciprt/question..." but nobody care and respont" ?
@Flacko: i realy realy realy......... want to learn this Script but i'm live in Viet Name , in here not have book , memory or Website talk about this Script ! i have asked but many people in my country said "Toi khong biet ! (I DON'T KNOW !)". For me , i not have many resources language of English, so i can't translate all the English to be my language.
Plz ! i need it , Okay i'll help you out a bit.
You'll need to do some parses at the beginning for the setup.
parse("sv_gamemode 0")
then you'll need to hook serveraction for the buymenu
function my_serveraction(id, actionkey)
menu(id, "buymenu!")
Then you need a hook for the menu:
function my_menu(id, title , selection)
if(title == "buymenu!") then
--do something with the selection
you'll need a hook for spawning:
function my_spawn(id)
return stealth_suit
that's about it, not so hard