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Englisch how do get qiuck sun tan

14 Antworten
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alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan

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dude dark knight , why don't you stay whitter than the others ? Do you want to be the same , or different ?
This year i got to go to the beach only 5 times , becouse my friends won't come with me.And i am with normal tan , and i am not ashamed that i don't look like the other black "dudes" . Yeah. Quite a time you have picked , but you still have some days.

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan

dark knight

i am not with i am normall tan tooo my friend is super white and he needs to get normall tan like me, but he went to the beach and tells me the tan wont come on him.

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan

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Vibhor hat geschrieben
then why are u asking here?
goto a skin doctor or something

Vibhor is right , and by the way , if he is too white naturally , he may burn if he stays too much on sun and the only color he will receive is red , not brown

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan

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Everyone turns to red first, but it`ll invidually turn to nice brown.

Getting tanned is all about picments.
If you have lots of em => You`ll get brown-tan in couple of hours.

In this case your firend does not seem to have lots of em so he might have to sit in sun like couple of weeks or months.
But not too much at the time.

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan


wow ive seen many stupid threads, but this... i would say something but i wont, i will probably get banned, its ultra flame... anyway, maybe you havent heard of Sun

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan

User Off Offline

use a sun-bed, exspensive but does the trick

or go to England, famous for its great beaches, always sunny and never rains!

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan

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Dude , in the worst case you can go to solarium , but it is very unhealthy for your skin becouse of the UV rays.. so i suggest going to a beach , but it is also not good to stay there for long , whether tanned or not.

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan

User Off Offline

or ....
forget it!
your friend might have a skin disease or something
if he has this then going to get a tan wont help
it will probably burn his skin causing itchiness
get your friend treated by a skin doctor before continuing

And if this is about impressing girls then.....
Tell yer mate to not to go behind them make them go behind you
I ain't any good romeo but by girls nature is that if you ignore them they will notice you
if you change yourself for them then you are a loser

alt Re: how do get qiuck sun tan


Use logic for smart sun tan, the sun gives you energy and changes your skin pigment tone just go outside and get a sun tan. More info is found at wikipedia.
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