[CLAW]Sickle of deathWBR p4nd4 User Offline 17.01.12 02:48:05 pm Version 1.0... To increase your enjoyment players, use the lefthanded players.... post with credits post without credits use edit with credits edit withot credits Due to a small bug that skin is only perfect if lethanded players with! Any another bug tell at: - Email address (only visible with login) - - Email address (only visible with login) - - Email address (only visible with login) - Tank's and sorry for my bad english.. edited 1×, last 20.01.12 06:33:21 pm Approved by GeoB99 (13.07.18 10:00 am) Download 3 kb, 437 Downloads
WBR p4nd4 User Offline 18.01.12 10:49:33 am Thanks for the suggestions and ratings .. I just did a slightly better and darker .. if anyone is interested, here's the link: http://unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=9866 Excuse me for my bad English ... edited 1×, last 18.01.12 11:01:50 am
DevGru User Offline 18.01.12 02:21:49 am @ MAX-russia: You need a reason why it is bad. File: It's good but shadings are like too bright to too dark. Also you need to put more details. I like it though. I like it!
Silent_Control User Offline 17.01.12 05:06:47 pm The scythe looks interesting. Good job, it's a good and an original idea! I like it!
That's so nice!BIGJoao User Offline 17.01.12 02:50:45 pm and the server transfer.. If you want you can transfer to all players who do not use a claw skin in the game. I love it.. +1 like I like it!