The template has gloves, helmet, body armor, and even bends in the arms.
Hopefully this will encourage people to make more realistic player graphics (as using Photoshop or Paint.Net as opposed to Microsoft Paint to do things like overlay camo patterns over the tan parts). Also, hopefully this will help avoid people modifying my COD4 MW player graphics w/o permission.
My ultimate hope is that this will become a new standard template.

As you may recognize, the reload sprite is different from the standard CS2D sprites. This is because, realistically, a soldier would NEVER remove his firing hand from off of his rifle. To put it simply, he would reload with his non-firing hand. CS2D has right-handed players reloading with the right hand and left-handed players with the left. Real soldiers wouldn't do this. So I changed it.
edited 2×, last 01.12.11 02:47:15 am
Approved by GeoB99
205 kb, 608 Downloads