Brief Description:
CT's must hunt down a terrorist cell located in the heart of a desert city beyond chaos and being blown away by a desert storm.Terrorists must avoid rouge soldiers and other types of defenses made by the U.N to escape into a hijacked jeep located at the end of an old mineshaft.
CT's will be equipped with high tech gear and weapons providing heavy firepower .Even though CT's are equipped with these items they must still avoid terrorists finding hidden weapon caches and other gear laid out in city corners.
Follow Pointers to ensure escape success
You can use this for your server but credit to my name is highly appreciated
Use the sprites/tilesets if you have permission by me or the true owners/if you are an owner of any of any sprite I use you may still use it
Don't Edit
Don't Steal/Re-name
Other Notes:
Map has color grading
Map uses various tiles
Map is set in the desert
Map Includes 2 types of background sounds
Map is non bot-able
Map Prefers atleast 2 players
Map needs teamwork and cooperation for terrorists as the map has a limited number of arms suited for them
Team Deathmatch/Standard is preferable
Turn Fog of War Off in your settings
Future Updates will include various fixes and adjustments suited to each persons testimonial
Badger - Sprites
Vacuum-Rus -Tiles
(Kevin McLeod) -Music
Terrorized -Terror Music
Final Notes:
Empty Space in the bottom part = For Sight view Purposes of it being a desert or something like that
edited 3×, last 08.11.11 11:08:06 am
Approved by GeoB99
790 kb, 388 Downloads